Get 40% Off your entire Madrinas Coffee order with offer code LINUS at https://lmg.gg/tlcoffee GET MERCH: http://www.LTTStore.com Twitter: …
Get 40% Off your entire Madrinas Coffee order with offer code LINUS at https://lmg.gg/tlcoffee GET MERCH: http://www.LTTStore.com Twitter: …
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5g will give us cancer
Every gamer without a rtx card:I’m excited to get my new regular 2060
Yeah No. The rtx2080 is averagely priced 900$ and that aint cheap.
In my experience, "Tencent" and "fast", don't mix. 16GB of RAM and a Ryzen 2400G isn't nearly enough for Wechat for Windows, And my internet speed is never enough for stable voice chatting in Wechat.
Liked for the reference to Smart Every Day ?
Xiaomi testing Huawei's system were comfirm that it's a rumor…
You can jailbreak a car just saying lol we jack jail broke our 2018 Cruze to play videos whenever we want
now do I NVlink a second 2080 or sell mine and upgrade my 2 month old card?
Smart buyers: RTX cards are overpriced.
RTX buyers: Get a job!.
Nvidia lowers the prices and releases better cards with the same prices as RTXs.
Smart buyers: We made the right call.
RTX buyers: crying Why Nvidia?
Smart buyers: laughing The law doesn't protect the fools.
Huawei Huawei… you're so effed, sorry guys but you're doomed.
Well we tried to warn AMD that those prices wouldn't fly…
Medrinas should be sold in kcups also
The drinks that contains all the sweats, bloods and DNAs from LTT staff….. I'll pass…lol
Normally I am against the government bringing down businesses, but I honestly think Huawei deserves what they got.
Nvidia no AMD yes
James' pronunciation of 'plague' and 'scourge' is new to me.
Thank you Techlinked for the info I had a gut feeling the RTX purchase was a mistake… I admit fault ?
what the hell even is madrinas coffee doing here, literally who the hell is interested in this
Cheaper but not cheap
This channel is perfect. I've been trying to find ways to stay up to date with tech news without searching through dozens of articles everyday and had a very hard time finding channels that give regular updates. I will definitely be watching this daily. Good stuff guys!
Damn you Nvidia all this hype for outdated technology… Come on I've seen reflectioned graphics from Unreal Tournament… I demand no refresh rate caps and FPS Animation in Real Time… I returned my RTX 2070 8GB Founders Edition [Xperiment to Consumer Edition] Retailed AT $569.99 / $610 with tax. Installed and reverted back to my outdated EVGA 1070 8GB $350 there is only a slight difference with the vertical sync… That's it! Ohhh yeah does anyone think RTX Super sounds a little bit generic!?
Saying RTX "is" getting cheaper is borderline lieing when it's just a WCCFTech rumor.
Can you do the lambo roast as ground beans because not everyone has a coffee grinder.
Hmm, dropped the coffee… Blame it on Linus.
NASA & NOAA: 5G is harming weather forecasts
Ajit Pai: I'm about to end these administrations careers
Rtx buyers in early 2019 super pissed in late 2019
So this is why Google started being so vocal with "banning Android from Huawei devices is dangerous".
Stop fuckin five G
Hacked pump == overdose == untraceable murder
Define "cheaper"…
Well the weather wont be affected in the US when they will try to pass 4g as 5g ?
why must pai be so absolutely stupid, does he even know how to read?
TIL James is a solipsist.
I'll get the rtx 2060 super. That will last me 4 a while
Just buy Navi, fuck NVIDIA doing a Intel by saying, ei is super, but is just the same overclocked (or almost the same), but the price not expected to be the same I'm sure