Bitcoin’s Healthy Retracement? Not So Soon…
– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily
– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.
– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily
– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.
– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
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Ur the best lol
We should ask, "Why does the "short interest" in Bitcoin continue to rise with the price increase? Have not yet felt enough pain from the bleeding?
Hmm.. or maybe… Imagine the players on Wall Street waiting for the infrastructure and regulation to set in place for their full participation in the best-performing asset class of the century. Well, maybe if I were a large institutional player waiting on the sidelines, and I notice that retail investors are fronting a surge in interest & price for bitcoin, and if I could afford to sit on an underwater short position, then I might effectively be able to manipulate the price at a future time to scare newcomers away to maybe tip the scales, in order to delay or hold back prices until entry – or any number of possible desired outcomes. Especially if I had friends that think the same way
Awe the demented nice dude is back with a bigger part? Happy Father's Day to all you crypto Dads out there?
Btc may not be over 9000 but the upload consistency is, love the passion and drive cd
Where can we track this type of graph USDT vs BTC ??? Anyone? Daily?
ha ha ha.. hilarious! Exactly.. the best use case for crypto currencies is using them as currency to not be tracked and robbed by government gangs.. the best LOL
Ahaha these guys with alienheads
from where do you always get this funny videos?
Ahhahaha that "Nice" remix
You are right, so here is Healthy Retracement visite here and make your self millionaire.
Source: https://taklimakan.network/news/19852
How do you chart the tether market cap along with bitcoin price?
whats ya starsign mr wise guy??..u2funny..x
Why do nearly all coins go up and down in value in unison? Nobody seems to find this mysterious!
But what about the flies???
You sir are a Legend. Please do the train skit with you getting slapped lol
Noice (y)
You the man…. That is all
You were probably adressing me at the end of the video since I made some comment about fiat daily in the other video. Well, I am very sorry, truelly. I had to find out what the word disheartening means and I felt so sorry for you. Please ignore my comment from yesterday. I may not like this character, it does not give me the right to be so negative about it. Your videos offer a lot of good insight and already gave me a lot of information. Concerning crypto, your channel is the only one I am following. Please, keep making good content and do accept my apologize.
FIat daily told us yesterday to get into fiat, and now mr daily shows the tether market cap collapsing BEFORE BTC IN NOVEMBER ??
I have.. never been so scared. this is seriously.. the.. its. its bitfinex private company running this usdt coin. seriously who are we kidding when we say crypto is decentralized ? its as centralized as can be, its tether. Now I tether fud for the first time. 800 millions sure ok whatever, but dear god no, not this. they own cripto world ! they run it , they are the bank. Please mr fiat, tell us its not a bank ! tether volume is the same as btc volume, aah the fud !
we talk about dominance, where on the chart is tether dominance ? we forgot to put it in there ?
this bloke has no clue what he's on about lol
9K BTC Iam getting a Boner
Healthy retracement how healthy does it have to be? 20k to 3k is healthy enough, pull back anymore btc will go to zero
great alter ego, bitwits lyle is also hilarious not that he has anything to do with crpto lol
Dear Daily I have watched all your videos so far BUT, please slow down these BTC analytics, charts, drawing lines and predictions. It is not so funny, there are a lot of other channels that are good at it. It was great when you were just laughing at them. It is OK to do it from time to time, but it becomes the biggest part of your content. I did not start to watch you because of BTC analysis or predictions …
P.S.: Big fan of you
I saport crypto currency in India
Oh Charles!
lol the guy never heard of a bicycle, man that was funny as heck.
I like your Hector Estaban character
People don't want to pay tax on each transaction, so they cash out to tether know it will probably return to 1$ keeping their losses safe and they don't report the transaction for taxes.
Other countries who just pay gains tax do the same thing.
Btc is tied to tether.
Lets all wait until after the halvening to make any make a decision.
Move out of the way Cameron! I only watch for the bonzai tree!
To be honest I don't know how your channel doesn't get more views and
any other cryptocurrency channel. I watch your show because it's not
just the most informative when it comes to a realist perspective on
bitcoin and not what people want it to be, and because you make every
episode entertaining! Even if I'm not interested in the subject I still
watch because usually you make me laugh my ass off with your perfect
memes. Seriously dude if your cryptocurrency channel doesn't take off
you should do the same type of Broadcasting.
Sorce: https://taklimakan.network/news/22354
To be honest I don't know how your channel doesn't get more views and
any other cryptocurrency channel. I watch your show because it's not
just the most informative when it comes to a realist perspective on
bitcoin and not what people want it to be, and because you make every
episode entertaining! Even if I'm not interested in the subject I still
watch because usually you make me laugh my ass off with your perfect
memes. Seriously dude if your cryptocurrency channel doesn't take off
you should do the same type of Broadcasting.
Sorce: https://taklimakan.network/news/22354
Range around here for next few months while alts do their thing?