If Bitcoin’s uptrend has potentially started, then what simple and useful strategies could traders use to know when to buy bitcoin? I explain in this new video. #Bitcoin #BTCUSD
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Alessio, I must say, the way you communicate the technical analytics in your videos is impressive. Whether it's new information to me or review, your delivery consistently adds new perspective no matter the content.
Thank you.
Snake oil………You should be a politician given your amazing skillset of spitting out noise so fast that most people become too lazy to fact-check you
I'm apparently no cryptocurrency trade analyst or guardian. I have no skill in it. But some friend told me about cryptocurrency and it's high profit on investment. Seeing I want to open a business chain, I figured I needed a lot of capital and this is one business I have always had a side believe in. So, I decided to give crypto investment a try. I failed a couple of times that I really wanted to give up, until luck fell on my side when I did invest using Mateo’s professional tactics and trading tricks. You wouldn’t believe this but I write to tell you that I made a huge profit in a short time. I really can't imagine how much profits I realized from the crypto investment I made through Mateo Alejandro mateoalejandro177@gmail.com. trading program and strategy.
Too many people again expecting a pullback and in a state of disbelief, this will be another failed call. Most likely it will never break 7k again and off we go to the 5 digits.
It seems many Whales may be in for a shock. They should have started a major bull run last month, as regulations will start beefing up from 21 June, and that is when it will get harder to manipulate the market, and regulation rules may stop people cashing out large amounts without taxing it etc., etc. Therefore, if the Whales had any sense they would have got one last major speculation bull run before this occurs.
there are fake teachers out there and really teachers ALESSIO RASTANI IS A REALL TEACHER TO ME Peroid and to others as well.
Hello Alessio, came here again just to ask you a question. If bitcoin stays in this tunnel between 8k and 7.5k for another week or two. Can we assume that this can be correction through time?
Man Alessio…been following you so long, it breaks my heart that you stay fearful in this paralized stare. You were wrong so many Times and the people who leistende to you to short at 6k got fvcked…You missed every Chance this year and will keep missing out, we will not fall to 6k and your TA turned worthless ? RIIP
You will buy at 10k
Video autor is expert to show as nonsense in real life everything is more compicated …
Learned so much. Thank you!
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Great video
great video mate, could you do a video for the selling strategy to go with this for riding it all the way up?
You should bought at 3500 YOU BEAR!!
Good Luck waiting for that.
This contradicts what you've said before lol.
This was a suburb explanation. I will be adding to my positions and strategy is just to hold as this was a bull market from the start. Thanks for your review.
Great and super informative video as always, thank you very much Alessio! Grazie
Alessio well explained!
hi ! Thankyou for teaching. Question : … jus wondering about the Trend reversal… after the 4 SWING points there is a candle (Red) which surged through the RESISTANCE…. why is it not considered as having broken the Swing Points ? @4:45 min
looking forward to your reply and clarification …. thankyou again
Your full of bs man.
As for me, I say the time to buy is right now. Although it's even better to trade daily and I do exactly that trading, with Champion Traders Forum. Since I joined and started trading with them, I have acquired 6BTC, I am working to get to 20BTC and watch the value increase massively.
Just buy and hodl.. I've heard about many people who bought bitcoin at a cheap price, then sold it for let's say 700 bucks, and now they are struggling to even get 1 whole bitcoin..
Great video Alessio! Important question: Do you think we are in a bull trend then? I must say that this looks like a dead cat bounce or ABC correction pattern to me, where BTC will find a lower low at february 2020. Fibonacci time zones (8, 13, 21) this tool is key… https://www.tradingview.com/x/jax2ST5l/
Thanks alessio.
i found difficulty in knowing when and when not to trade then i came across reviews from mr mark who showed me strategy tried it on a demo at first it worked and i have used it over the fast few months to grow my portfolio greatly
Bargain trading
Another great video, thanks!
In the past month I've bought BTC repeatedly, made a few thousand and sold…wait, buy.,sell …..(repeat) I have learned to ignore the .000001% chance of claims like #50,000 "soon". he problem with this analysis is that its always after the fact. When a security does not react as predicted by the chart we only know in hindsight. I know several who have been out of the market (during which it tripled) because they "knew" the dollar would collapse, deficits would go wild, Trump would screw up, etc ( The dirty little secret of investing is that we don't what will happen and the majority of moves are due to perception.
I asked a friend who was in market research for a Wall Street Firm – "If the odds are 50/50 why, with millions of dollars of research, do the "experts" fare so poorly?"
Learned something today, Thx.
This is also the only thing i learned today
Double Busted Triple Bottoms on 4 hour chart. Also 200ma rising, giving support. Probably price going up coming days.
Alrssio, are you interested in the formation on the daily of a head and shoulders pattern, does this enter you strategy and if so can you comment on the current pattern developing
nice thank you for that informative video
You might miss out on the uptrend rally if you are still waiting on price to hit 6k level, because the price now has hit 8k and might never going down again. BUY, HOLD and ACCUMULATES.
Alessio, in previous videos you pointed out, that the more time sideways support line is touched, the higher the chance that it will break trought the next time. Is this the same principle with multiple touches on Mooving averages? Does the MA becomes weaker after many touchdowns?
Many thanks if you reply, Im not in your member trading group but I appreciate your great content and I am letting play each commercial to support you atleast this way.
What I really want to say is: "I was wrong and I missed the train again!! and been wrong since Max Keiser told me to buy in 2013….But I 'm still hopping to buy at a lower prices"…… LOL
Could anyone give information on where to buy bitcoin to set stop losses – I presume it means you have to leave it on the exchange for the stop loss to become operative
Well done! Thanks.