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About the Author: IGN News


  1. Ign you dirty cucks that's one hell of a NASTY clickbait. This video might be getting disliked into the GROUND. smfh

  2. when was IGN’s YouTube Channel taken over by IGN’s snapchat channel. Remember when they had a reporter for every video? Now it’s just lazy and might I say LATE news.

  3. Listen IGN, I know you can't actually "SHOW" the footage because you don't own it or have premission to use it but here's what you can do instead: Change the name of your video to "FYI: Jedi Fallen Order Gameplay Released [link in descrip] – IGN News"
    After that, all you got to do is just edit the description and actually give us a link to the actual footage.

    This way, by saying FYI, the "i" stands for "information" so it implies that you are TELLING us something and not SHOWING us something. While you aren't allowed to USE the footage, you ARE however allowed to link it, this way everyone wins and then you are no longer being accused of click-bating, people get to see the footage they want by clicking your link, you get to be considered the good guys, everybody wins and we all get to go home happy.

    Also, this issue isn't said and done, you can still change it, RIGHT now, even as you are reading this you can stop what your doing, go to the videos page and change the description and title WITHOUT even having to reupload. Seriously, what are you doing still sitting here reading this: Go to the video creator page and go edit that description and title. You can still fix this, GO!

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