A rumored story creator mode coming to Assassin’s Creed, Destroy All Humans gets a facelift, and a quick roundup of E3 deals. 7 Most Awkward E3 Moments …
A rumored story creator mode coming to Assassin’s Creed, Destroy All Humans gets a facelift, and a quick roundup of E3 deals. 7 Most Awkward E3 Moments …
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Meet lady in small camp, she tells you about a Captain she wants killed and you go and do it for a shitty reward. I've seen enough of those thanks.
Destroy all hoomans woot!
Almost maxed out Odyssey as Kasandra! Love that game!
Can I edit the story to make the modern-day portions make sense?
i still don't know what a mobular device is..
Great Fix, Syd and have a GREAT E3 with all the fine folks at IGN! Can't wait to see all the coverage.
But actually The story creator are fool
I just want the option to keep my helmet on during cutscenes.
Love way assassin's Creed Odyssey it fun !!
Hey cool video
Laura Croft
Hello beautiful ign
Who loves assassins creed games