Red Dead Online reviewed by Luke Reilly on PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X. Watch the Red Dead Redemption 2 review: …
Red Dead Online reviewed by Luke Reilly on PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X. Watch the Red Dead Redemption 2 review: …
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It’s so insanely boring
Online is dead already
is it free to play tho
I love that all the non competitive, baby boys/girls who are literally real life afraid of online altercations are bashing RDO lol…. You kids probably get nervous during thunderstorms.
Can't wait for flying horse that costs 3 million
2021 RDR2 : steam jetpack
I played the online mode and isn't like GTA 🙁 no leggings no female outfits no skirts 🙁 is missing a lot ?????
I genuinely forgot red dead had an online
this is a prove that Single Player Story is the best than online.
I'll be honest, red dead online isn't half bad. Definitely no where close to how great single player was but it can have potential. I just hope that if they do dlc, it's undead nightmare 2 and it provides dlc for both single player and online.
Release this game on pc
I thought RDR was meant to be played in single player.
It’s alright it’s fun fighting with other players but rather have single player
"Arthur Morgan is the best protagonist ever" – Change my mind
when will the PC version be released?
My preview -10/10
Rdr 2 online is so dead last time played was only 2weeks ago and was only 5 in the server that aye was in such a waste of space but as for the story goes was bloody amazing but online nope massive disappointing
I actually don’t mind playing RDR online but do NOT buy the game solely for that reason. The story mode is well worth it. ?
Give me some single player zombie dlc
Wait …..
There was an online mode?
Legend has it rockstar threw the RDO dev team off the cliff for the soul stone
If they just remove the auto aim, everything will be great
The singleplayer is a masterpiece. The multiplayer is everything wrong with the industry right now.
Aw hellnaw
Sounds like the reviewer could throw some shrimp on the barby outback style.
stiill don't know if i should be able to play the Multiplayer for RdR2 but i'll have to admit i kinda miss the multi from the first Game
Let me save you some time: 8.5
I'm waiting for Manhunt to come out or Bully 2
overall red dead 2 in and out is a overrated game and there's a reason why gow won goty
A damn shame.. another video game company I can no longer trust to deliver at launch day. Hope we at least get story dlc…
bully 2
So rockstar we just gonna fuckover the single players? I see how it is.
I just want story DLC
My review: 0/10 don't bother unless you feel like playing a broken and very noticeable p2w type system
Shame on you rockstar. No single player dlc
How can 5 people be first?