Will This Be Your First Robot? Unbox Therapy — June 4, 2019 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Anki Cozmo – http://go.anki.com/unboxtherapy-yt This video features the new Anki Cozmo, Anki Cozmo is a mini robotic gadget capable of interacting, playing … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Yes, this was my first robot. didn't like him as much as I thought I might. Sad that anki is out of business now…
Ahhh so cute i want one ?????
Poor jack
Wall e
This is interactive toy or easy ai ?
Want to get one too
i had one and he is cute
Jack:- am i a joke to you
from where i can find these kinds of robots?
You are very cool guy
Asshole making fckng noises
Costa like 300 dollars
Cozmo sounds like Wall-e
It's like another creature. It's just no longer a cool toy.
The link does not work.
Yes, this was my first robot.
didn't like him as much as I thought I might. Sad that anki is out of business now…
Furby: Hold my beer
(this is my bros acc please dont kill meee)
Even though anki is gone Cozmo will live on!
Why did anki shut down