Doom Eternal will likely show up during Bethesda’s E3 showcase. This is what we’re hoping for. Cyberpunk 2077 – Road to E3 2019: …
Doom Eternal will likely show up during Bethesda’s E3 showcase. This is what we’re hoping for. Cyberpunk 2077 – Road to E3 2019: …
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Very excited for DOOM eternal to release as well as to watch the gameplay, bcos I don't have enough graphic cards to run this game

The only games i care about this year : Doom eternal and Death Stranding (polar opposites gameplay and story wise lol)
The only game I'm excited for in E3
ID TECH 6 is one of best engine should be
Just when I type in DOOM ETERNAL on search bar I get this video…..I need more DOOM fan-service at E3 please
Hopefully more stuff for the Slayer Club.
Let’s hop they give us a release date
so glad bethesda are only publishing this lol
Doom Eternal: Rippier and Tearier.
How is Ready for the E3 2019?
crosses fingers in hopes for mod support
Im hyped for this doom game it seems more like doom then the first rebooted game
I loved the Doom remake! Can't wait for Eternal!
Stop calling the mortally challenged "demons" you damn demophobic shills or I'll dox you through mah twitter page!
We need it to have moves on the Whip like "Bullet Strom" as far as bring enemies to you an being able shoot them in mid air n kicking them into environmental hazards….then it will be epic AF.
This game is going to make some journalists mortally challenged
It would be so badass if we have a Lucifer or Satan bossfight in this game
Needs more variety and mechanics… I love doom couple years ago.. but needs more .. bigger longer story.. side missions. Etc
I'm frothing at the mouth
Invade other players game as a demon?
"Throws money at screen"
This game will be great. And it looks even more like old school doom based off the level design. Love it
Will be another letdown like the last game
Not into shooters but peaked my interest.