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Do NOT trade based on what you see in this analysis.TA with Mitch Ray that produced this analysis are not to be held responsible for any losses that may occur. You and you alone are responsible for deciding if you are comfortable accepting the risk involved in trading. You should only trade based on your knowledge, experience, and risk as a trader. This information is for educational purpose only. Trading in any market contains a high degree of risk. It is possible and EXTREMELY likely that you will lose some if not all of your initial investment. Mitch Ray, that produced this analysis is not a licensed financial planner or adviser. If you are unsure of anything in the financial market, always seek advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. Any and ALL content published by TA with Mitch Ray and/or affiliates should be NOT be considered financial advice. Invest at your own risk and as always, do your own research!
Great video, good content, fantastic analysis bitcoin clearly is on an upward trend with price going past $8,600 resistance and am sure it will keep increasing until buying one bitcoin will be out of the reach of many. The right thing to do now is to accumulate and get more coins not by buying more coin if you are already an investor but by day trading so your coins can increase and for new investors don’t just buy bitcoin and hold in anticipating the bull run buy then trade to multiply your portfolio. I mean we all should exploit this bull run I am and my portfolio is increasing and multiplying daily. I trade and I have consistent winning strategy that’s because I copy the strategy and signals of Gérard Barrientos he is an expert trader and a great analyst his signals and strategy are of 99% accuracy and has made me 400% return on investment. These are his contacts gerardbarrientos6672@gmailcom or on WhatsApp +447427159640 if you want to increase your portfolio or you have any inquiries relating to Bitcoin.
Thanks Mitch ??
Hi Mitch. I love the way you fade your backing tracks in and out. Very professional.
Techno Mitch ?
Why can't I go fwd or backward in time. I don't want to watch well listen to the 15 min dance intro
What a ride today!
Bro, get on cash app