A… virtual baptism? ?? Can we pay for that with a virtual tithe?
hahahahahahah! here we go..
We already have “Christian” video games, doom literally has you slaughter demons in hell
Maybe religions going extinct will stop all the evangelical extremism in government nowadays, without everyone's religious extremism most world conflicts would resolve on its own
at least that would prevent child rape in churches
If a Terrorist Blows up / Shoots up a Virtual Simulated Church, is that a Crime / Hate Crime?
My church started CHURCH4GAMERS on Twitch. We are gamers that love the lord and we prefer a platform that we are comfortable on. No disrespect to traditional church. We just love connecting with like minded people. Check us out on twitch
you know imma keep it real with you man you know I find you in the Asian do real funny but the truth is bro all of that stuff that he just said in this little segment jame was blasphemy against Jesus the holy spirit in the Father the Creator himself and I wouldn't be surprised if you see him and everybody in that crowd that was laughing at those jokes and what y'all don't realize is that y'all was just mocking Jesus that's what you just did that's the same thing you just did and I don't know if you ever read this message but I want you to know you just created a very terrible saying bro and and I and I can't even tell you that I'm going to pray for you because the truth is I'm not going to pray for you because the truth is you know better you know damn well not to be bringing Jesus up in your gallery show you out of order the Asian dude is out of order for you to be a black man I'm really I'm really disappointed in you may God have mercy on both of y'all souls bro
You don't make fun of Muslims because you know ,you will be dead the next day!!!!!!
There are several churches in Second Life, with way better avatar options.
God save all these people… ! One cannot know salvation unless they've experienced it personally. Why is there so much hate in the comment section? What has the world come to?!
Oh, i want that church vr thing! who wants to join and have vr sex at the altar?
Funny how church denies evolution but uses technology to get members.
Virtual church? Nah that ain't gonna work. And a Catholic game like Pokémon Go? Don't you remember the incidents that were had during the Pokémon Go phase? Sighs I agree with Ronnie that they should make the Bible fit in with the times. Thing is it already is! Alot of stuff are happening now that have happened in the Bible and have been recorded in the Bible so it's already with the times. Also John Wick is EPIC! They just need to make it a little more interesting like Sermons which are relevant to today. Or more evangelism. If they ain't coming to church then bring church to them y'know?
In Islam it is always the generation before them that always. That always strays from the path of God. We are getting better doing human moral things not God morally things.
This is why i am spiritual not religious and NO it is not the same thing. You would know if you were actually spiritual. Also the bible is disturbing. It is pro abortion which is good but the reason being is because it is misogynistic.
We’ve lost ourselves, there will be consequences until we rectify what we have opted to mock.
I can't wait until all of this silly shit is in the past. Funny how they don't mention the growth of atheism as another reason for the decline.
church isn't defined by bad acting and controversy, it's defined by boredom and public sanctimony. if you aren't into it it's probably too responsible for all but the most stately.
Morality does not come from religion. I am an atheist and not any less moral than anyone else. Religion is becoming unpopular because people are getting more educated than ever and questioning regressive ideologies. And that is good.
Democrats don't believe in God. That's all I got from this video.
Millennials don’t like churches for the same reasons I don’t: It’s too boring, it’s too hypocritical, too judgemental, and would rather study Wicca.
The more information people have the less religion there will be, there isn't much for churches to do except trying to brain wash people even more than they do now.
Twist: This is really just a beta test for Catholics. When the real VR program launches, it will be a virtual reality simulator for Catholic priests to molest children, and for children to receive the immersive experience of being molested minus the physicality.
It is natural selection. Church served its purpose to civilize people. It needs to go away now.
Religious people already believe they can telepathically communicate with an invisible man living in the sky, adding technology will only further their delusion.
Blessed be his name ? All hail John Wick
jesus = Maga
now the church can implement microtransactions in its gaming app to sell the blessing-of-the-day in various degrees of blessing potency based on price. You want that divine lootbox? This can be your chance to heaven.
People have gone away from spiritual living, and ironically many (not all) churches are trying to use carnal worldly ways to bring people back into spirituality. Doesn't make sense. Use spiritual methods to draw people back.
Millennials are 26-37 Generation Z are 16-24
Praise the Wick! ?
Everybody know the only good Christian game is DOOM
It’s like years of them running the government and people getting upset about the crap they have done and holding them up less is a bad thing.
Love it when there’s a new Ronny Chieng segment!
I would have to agree with Ronnie Chang is not up to the churches to make church more appealing it is up to the parents to instill a need and a want for God or even if it's not for God I need and a want to treat people the way that you would like to be treated family reasoning in my opinion for religion is it teaches people morals it scares certain people into doing what's right because they think someone is always watching them other than themselves
I give up in the church now.
Idk how to feel about the virtual reality .. Ig its a good idea.
The idea of church is a little cool, I had good moments, but I couldn't handle some stuff as I grew up and started to ask questions. Uncomfortable ones. The hate you end up absorbing for some groups (gays, atheists, etc), the hate against yourself for not being able to be the perfect church member, the realization that my mind was systematically abused during infancy with ideas of hell, Armageddon, damnation, suffering and all that… It took a severe anxiety disorder, countless panick attacks and some years of therapy to realize and come to terms with the fact that I just… couldn't. Not anymore.
Children attend in church's are becoming right wing fanatics . Church's are no longer focusing on youth relevant issues , it focus on donations and voting for Trump.
Why I'm atheist #1: #WomensReproductiveRights God threatens spontaneous abortion as punishment. "Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. Yea though they bring forth yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb." Hosea 9:1-17
Why I'm atheist #2: God curses women with pains in childbirth & subjection to men. "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow & thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children & thy desire shall be to thy husband & he shall rule over thee." Genesis-3:16
Why I'm atheist #3: Lot & his daughters camp out in a cave, the gals get their "just and righteous" father drunk and have sex with him, each gets preggers and bears a son. 'Cuz, incest is "holy", dontcha know. Genesis 19:30-38
Why I'm atheist #4: Rebekah's cowardly male owners (her pimp daddy and her horny brothers) "blessed" her by wishing her to have "thousands of millions" of babies and have "seed" that will take away the lands of those big bad scary men that hate them. Genesis 24:60
Why I'm atheist #5: In the Bible it's never men firing blanks, but the women that are "barren". And when God texts them "You up?" and "opens their womb," the resulting babies are always little boys. Genesis 25:21-26
Why I'm atheist #6: In Genesis 30 Episodes 1-4, Rachel is bummed since she can't crank out kids for her hubby, but outsources to her maid Bilhah, solving the problem as Sarah did back in Genesis 16:2. Leah, not to be outdone, gives Jacob her maid Zilpah to fuck. All produce boys.
Why I'm atheist #7: In the Not-So-Good book, we ladies are male property. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's." Exodus-20:17
Why I'm atheist #8: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Hundreds of thousands of women have been TORTURED TO DEATH because of religious insanity. Between 1500 and 1660, up to 80,000 "witches" were put to death and around 80% were women. Exodus-22:18
Why I'm atheist #9: God says childbirth turns women into even dirtier sinners, and he likes getting his rocks off watching new mothers torture a baby lamb and a baby pigeon for purification. Having a female child makes a woman twice as ooogity as baby boys do. Leviticus 12:1-5
Why I'm atheist #10: God says menstruating women are YUCKY! Anything that they touch is YUCKY! Anyone who touches anything that they touch is YUCKY! Stay far away from them and don't even think about having YUCKY sex with them. Leviticus 15:19-30, 33
Why I'm atheist #11: If a man has sex with an engaged slave woman, it's cool to "scourge" the woman, but in no way will they punish the man. Tough titties for the slave if it was rape. Leviticus 19:20-22
Why I'm atheist #12: "Lord said unto Moses, number all the firstborn of the males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward." A God that does not acknowledge females or babies under 1 month old as persons, can go fuck himself, IMHO. Leviticus 3:15-16
Why I'm atheist #13: A man brings home a foreign wife, Phinehas sees them & throws a spear through the man "and the woman through her belly." God is so pleased with his happy ending he tips Phinehas with everlasting priesthood for impaling the interracial couple. Numbers 25:6-13
Why I'm atheist #14: If a man sees a pretty woman among war captives & wants to fuck her, he takes her & shaves her head & cuts her nails. After she's done mourning her dead family, he "goes in unto her." Later, if he doesn't like her, he can "let her go." Deuteronomy 21:10-14
Why I'm atheist #15: If a man finds an unbetrothed virgin and rapes her and gets caught, the rapist forks over fifty shekels of silver to her dad and then the rapist gets "to marry" and keep raping the woman. She doesn't get a say. Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Why I'm atheist #16: A man offers his virgin daughter to a mob of perverts who prefer sex with his male guest. The mob refuse the girl, but accept a whore and they fuck her to death. The man chops her body into 12 pieces & sends them to the 12 tribes of Israel. Judges 19:22-30
Why I'm atheist #17: David & Saul do a death circle jerk for God & women cheer them on. Saul messages David: "buy my daughter Michal w/100 Philistine foreskins," but David brought 200 foreskins to Saul because Evanglical men are really facinated with penises. 1 Samuel 18:25-27
Why I'm atheist #18: God is pissed @ David for killing Uriah so has his wives raped by his neighbor while all watch. Turns out the neighbor is David's son. God says "hold my beer" and kills Bathsheba's baby & David comforts her by raping her. She bears another son. 2 Samuel-12:24
Why I'm atheist #19: David's son Ammon tried to get half-sister Tamar to fuck him but she resisted, so he raped her & sent her away. Tamar knows she now belongs to him since he took her virginity (rendering her worthless) & expects him to marry her, he refuses. 2 Samuel 13:1-22
Why I'm atheist #20: King Ahasuerus orders Queen Vashti to twerk for his guests, but she refuses & gets fired. All virgins are brought to the king, & Esther wins the sex contest, but became dirty, and had to be "purified" for 12 months before she can be queen. Esther 2:9-12
Why I'm atheist #21: It is gruesome and unethical to repeat a prayer that you hope your enemies will die like an aborted fetus. "Let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun." Psalm 58:8
Why I'm atheist #22: "Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death." God can kiss my ass. Proverbs 7:5-27
Why I'm atheist #23: Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the heavenly gang bangers to "do unto them as is good in your eyes." Religious folks say this man is "just" and "righteous" in 2 Peter 2 7-8:19:8
Why I'm atheist #24: "Women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; they are commanded to be under obedience. And if they learn, let them ask husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in church." (Bite me) 1 Corinthians 14:34-36
Why I'm atheist #25: Only a man would think he could rob women of their posessions, rape them ("discover their secret parts") make them bald & stinking, then kill their husbands… and have them become so desperate for a man they would beg him for a 7-on-1 orgy. Isaiah 4:1-6
Is "Today's future now" the opposite of "Last week tonight"
Empty churches are converting to mosques Love Jesus as a Muslim read the chapter of Mary in the Quran before hating Islam
When they are going to make fun of Islam ?? O I'm sorry I forgot they can't because it's the democracts favorite faith now
"Hey, Alexa, say grace."
Lol now I wonder when we can catch jesus ??
A… virtual baptism? ?? Can we pay for that with a virtual tithe?
hahahahahahah! here we go..
We already have “Christian” video games, doom literally has you slaughter demons in hell
Maybe religions going extinct will stop all the evangelical extremism in government nowadays, without everyone's religious extremism most world conflicts would resolve on its own
at least that would prevent child rape in churches
If a Terrorist Blows up / Shoots up a Virtual Simulated Church, is that a Crime / Hate Crime?
???????**Funniest Segment Ever** #HeavenlyHumor
My church started CHURCH4GAMERS on Twitch. We are gamers that love the lord and we prefer a platform that we are comfortable on. No disrespect to traditional church. We just love connecting with like minded people. Check us out on twitch
you know imma keep it real with you man you know I find you in the Asian do real funny but the truth is bro all of that stuff that he just said in this little segment jame was blasphemy against Jesus the holy spirit in the Father the Creator himself and I wouldn't be surprised if you see him and everybody in that crowd that was laughing at those jokes and what y'all don't realize is that y'all was just mocking Jesus that's what you just did that's the same thing you just did and I don't know if you ever read this message but I want you to know you just created a very terrible saying bro and and I and I can't even tell you that I'm going to pray for you because the truth is I'm not going to pray for you because the truth is you know better you know damn well not to be bringing Jesus up in your gallery show you out of order the Asian dude is out of order for you to be a black man I'm really I'm really disappointed in you may God have mercy on both of y'all souls bro
You don't make fun of Muslims because you know ,you will be dead the next day!!!!!!
There are several churches in Second Life, with way better avatar options.
God save all these people… ! One cannot know salvation unless they've experienced it personally. Why is there so much hate in the comment section? What has the world come to?!
Oh, i want that church vr thing! who wants to join and have vr sex at the altar?
Funny how church denies evolution but uses technology to get members.
Virtual church? Nah that ain't gonna work. And a Catholic game like Pokémon Go? Don't you remember the incidents that were had during the Pokémon Go phase? Sighs I agree with Ronnie that they should make the Bible fit in with the times. Thing is it already is! Alot of stuff are happening now that have happened in the Bible and have been recorded in the Bible so it's already with the times. Also John Wick is EPIC! They just need to make it a little more interesting like Sermons which are relevant to today. Or more evangelism. If they ain't coming to church then bring church to them y'know?
In Islam it is always the generation before them that always. That always strays from the path of God. We are getting better doing human moral things not God morally things.
This is why i am spiritual not religious and NO it is not the same thing. You would know if you were actually spiritual. Also the bible is disturbing. It is pro abortion which is good but the reason being is because it is misogynistic.
We’ve lost ourselves, there will be consequences until we rectify what we have opted to mock.
I can't wait until all of this silly shit is in the past. Funny how they don't mention the growth of atheism as another reason for the decline.
church isn't defined by bad acting and controversy, it's defined by boredom and public sanctimony. if you aren't into it it's probably too responsible for all but the most stately.
Morality does not come from religion. I am an atheist and not any less moral than anyone else. Religion is becoming unpopular because people are getting more educated than ever and questioning regressive ideologies. And that is good.
Democrats don't believe in God. That's all I got from this video.
Millennials don’t like churches for the same reasons I don’t: It’s too boring, it’s too hypocritical, too judgemental, and would rather study Wicca.
The more information people have the less religion there will be, there isn't much for churches to do except trying to brain wash people even more than they do now.
Twist: This is really just a beta test for Catholics. When the real VR program launches, it will be a virtual reality simulator for Catholic priests to molest children, and for children to receive the immersive experience of being molested minus the physicality.
It is natural selection.
Church served its purpose to civilize people.
It needs to go away now.
Religious people already believe they can telepathically communicate with an invisible man living in the sky, adding technology will only further their delusion.
Blessed be his name ? All hail John Wick
jesus = Maga
now the church can implement microtransactions in its gaming app to sell the blessing-of-the-day in various degrees of blessing potency based on price. You want that divine lootbox? This can be your chance to heaven.
People have gone away from spiritual living, and ironically many (not all) churches are trying to use carnal worldly ways to bring people back into spirituality. Doesn't make sense. Use spiritual methods to draw people back.
Millennials are 26-37
Generation Z are 16-24
Praise the Wick! ?
Everybody know the only good Christian game is
It’s like years of them running the government and people getting upset about the crap they have done and holding them up less is a bad thing.
Love it when there’s a new Ronny Chieng segment!
I would have to agree with Ronnie Chang is not up to the churches to make church more appealing it is up to the parents to instill a need and a want for God or even if it's not for God I need and a want to treat people the way that you would like to be treated family reasoning in my opinion for religion is it teaches people morals it scares certain people into doing what's right because they think someone is always watching them other than themselves
I give up in the church now.
Idk how to feel about the virtual reality
.. Ig its a good idea.
The idea of church is a little cool, I had good moments, but I couldn't handle some stuff as I grew up and started to ask questions. Uncomfortable ones. The hate you end up absorbing for some groups (gays, atheists, etc), the hate against yourself for not being able to be the perfect church member, the realization that my mind was systematically abused during infancy with ideas of hell, Armageddon, damnation, suffering and all that… It took a severe anxiety disorder, countless panick attacks and some years of therapy to realize and come to terms with the fact that I just… couldn't. Not anymore.
Children attend in church's are becoming right wing fanatics . Church's are no longer focusing on youth relevant issues , it focus on donations and voting for Trump.
Why I'm atheist #1: #WomensReproductiveRights God threatens spontaneous abortion as punishment. "Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. Yea though they bring forth yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb." Hosea 9:1-17
Why I'm atheist #2: God curses women with pains in childbirth & subjection to men. "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow & thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children & thy desire shall be to thy husband & he shall rule over thee." Genesis-3:16
Why I'm atheist #3: Lot & his daughters camp out in a cave, the gals get their "just and righteous" father drunk and have sex with him, each gets preggers and bears a son. 'Cuz, incest is "holy", dontcha know. Genesis 19:30-38
Why I'm atheist #4: Rebekah's cowardly male owners (her pimp daddy and her horny brothers) "blessed" her by wishing her to have "thousands of millions" of babies and have "seed" that will take away the lands of those big bad scary men that hate them. Genesis 24:60
Why I'm atheist #5: In the Bible it's never men firing blanks, but the women that are "barren". And when God texts them "You up?" and "opens their womb," the resulting babies are always little boys. Genesis 25:21-26
Why I'm atheist #6: In Genesis 30 Episodes 1-4, Rachel is bummed since she can't crank out kids for her hubby, but outsources to her maid Bilhah, solving the problem as Sarah did back in Genesis 16:2. Leah, not to be outdone, gives Jacob her maid Zilpah to fuck. All produce boys.
Why I'm atheist #7: In the Not-So-Good book, we ladies are male property. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's." Exodus-20:17
Why I'm atheist #8: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Hundreds of thousands of women have been TORTURED TO DEATH because of religious insanity. Between 1500 and 1660, up to 80,000 "witches" were put to death and around 80% were women. Exodus-22:18
Why I'm atheist #9: God says childbirth turns women into even dirtier sinners, and he likes getting his rocks off watching new mothers torture a baby lamb and a baby pigeon for purification. Having a female child makes a woman twice as ooogity as baby boys do. Leviticus 12:1-5
Why I'm atheist #10: God says menstruating women are YUCKY! Anything that they touch is YUCKY! Anyone who touches anything that they touch is YUCKY! Stay far away from them and don't even think about having YUCKY sex with them. Leviticus 15:19-30, 33
Why I'm atheist #11: If a man has sex with an engaged slave woman, it's cool to "scourge" the woman, but in no way will they punish the man. Tough titties for the slave if it was rape. Leviticus 19:20-22
Why I'm atheist #12: "Lord said unto Moses, number all the firstborn of the males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward." A God that does not acknowledge females or babies under 1 month old as persons, can go fuck himself, IMHO. Leviticus 3:15-16
Why I'm atheist #13: A man brings home a foreign wife, Phinehas sees them & throws a spear through the man "and the woman through her belly." God is so pleased with his happy ending he tips Phinehas with everlasting priesthood for impaling the interracial couple. Numbers 25:6-13
Why I'm atheist #14: If a man sees a pretty woman among war captives & wants to fuck her, he takes her & shaves her head & cuts her nails. After she's done mourning her dead family, he "goes in unto her." Later, if he doesn't like her, he can "let her go." Deuteronomy 21:10-14
Why I'm atheist #15: If a man finds an unbetrothed virgin and rapes her and gets caught, the rapist forks over fifty shekels of silver to her dad and then the rapist gets "to marry" and keep raping the woman. She doesn't get a say. Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Why I'm atheist #16: A man offers his virgin daughter to a mob of perverts who prefer sex with his male guest. The mob refuse the girl, but accept a whore and they fuck her to death. The man chops her body into 12 pieces & sends them to the 12 tribes of Israel. Judges 19:22-30
Why I'm atheist #17: David & Saul do a death circle jerk for God & women cheer them on. Saul messages David: "buy my daughter Michal w/100 Philistine foreskins," but David brought 200 foreskins to Saul because Evanglical men are really facinated with penises. 1 Samuel 18:25-27
Why I'm atheist #18: God is pissed @ David for killing Uriah so has his wives raped by his neighbor while all watch. Turns out the neighbor is David's son. God says "hold my beer" and kills Bathsheba's baby & David comforts her by raping her. She bears another son. 2 Samuel-12:24
Why I'm atheist #19: David's son Ammon tried to get half-sister Tamar to fuck him but she resisted, so he raped her & sent her away. Tamar knows she now belongs to him since he took her virginity (rendering her worthless) & expects him to marry her, he refuses. 2 Samuel 13:1-22
Why I'm atheist #20: King Ahasuerus orders Queen Vashti to twerk for his guests, but she refuses & gets fired. All virgins are brought to the king, & Esther wins the sex contest, but became dirty, and had to be "purified" for 12 months before she can be queen. Esther 2:9-12
Why I'm atheist #21: It is gruesome and unethical to repeat a prayer that you hope your enemies will die like an aborted fetus. "Let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun." Psalm 58:8
Why I'm atheist #22: "Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death." God can kiss my ass. Proverbs 7:5-27
Why I'm atheist #23: Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the heavenly gang bangers to "do unto them as is good in your eyes." Religious folks say this man is "just" and "righteous" in 2 Peter 2 7-8:19:8
Why I'm atheist #24: "Women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; they are commanded to be under obedience. And if they learn, let them ask husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in church." (Bite me) 1 Corinthians 14:34-36
Why I'm atheist #25: Only a man would think he could rob women of their posessions, rape them ("discover their secret parts") make them bald & stinking, then kill their husbands… and have them become so desperate for a man they would beg him for a 7-on-1 orgy. Isaiah 4:1-6
Is "Today's future now" the opposite of "Last week tonight"
Empty churches are converting to mosques
Love Jesus as a Muslim
read the chapter of Mary in the Quran before hating Islam
When they are going to make fun of Islam ?? O I'm sorry I forgot they can't because it's the democracts favorite faith now