A large undead army a dragon a king with spell powers A night watch and big fucking wall to defend the realm of men Just to be killed by a dagger while the night king have armor and a big fucking swors!
No one gives a fuck if you thought it was a new series.
for a second i thought this is a Trailer for a new Spin-off ?
Amazing story- all ruined by season 8
Beyond the Wall? why not Whole Westeros?
Sometimes I imagine the Night King won the Game. It makes me happy.
Better than season 8. Well done (!)
You showed in episode 3 that white walkers are a joke and now you think we will get excited about a game with white walkers?
Let the milking begin
i love how the game and the prequel are hyping up the most thrown away plot of all of GoT…….
Well… actually there is nothing beyond the wall… the WW ? Lol please ! They are no match for a good plot armor
But they don't matter
Can't be any worse than ……………blah blah blah moan.
99% of the comments are like: I tHoGhT iT wAs A nEw EpIsOdE…
The final boss The Night King the big battle one o one to win the game…oh wait
It should be darker
Let me guess. The enemy AI will be very linear. They eill just walk or run and atrack you with 1 type of attack. Once you learn their simple programming and where they spawn. The game will get repetitive within 2 days of playing…
Where is Drogon??
Swords and zombies is cool, but looks like a shit vr game. Not worth the likely $50 pricetag
A large undead army a dragon a king with spell powers
A night watch and big fucking wall to defend the realm of men
Just to be killed by a dagger while the night king have armor and a big fucking swors!
No one gives a fuck if you thought it was a new series.
for a second i thought this is a Trailer for a new Spin-off ?
Amazing story- all ruined by season 8
Beyond the Wall? why not Whole Westeros?
Sometimes I imagine the Night King won the Game. It makes me happy.
Better than season 8. Well done (!)
You showed in episode 3 that white walkers are a joke and now you think we will get excited about a game with white walkers?
Let the milking begin
i love how the game and the prequel are hyping up the most thrown away plot of all of GoT…….
Well… actually there is nothing beyond the wall… the WW ? Lol please ! They are no match for a good plot armor
But they don't matter
Can't be any worse than ……………blah blah blah moan.
99% of the comments are like: I tHoGhT iT wAs A nEw EpIsOdE…
The final boss The Night King the big battle one o one to win the game…oh wait
It should be darker
Let me guess. The enemy AI will be very linear. They eill just walk or run and atrack you with 1 type of attack. Once you learn their simple programming and where they spawn. The game will get repetitive within 2 days of playing…
Where is Drogon??
Swords and zombies is cool, but looks like a shit vr game. Not worth the likely $50 pricetag
Oh so suddenly the wights matter again lmao
So many disappointed people in the comment ?