Forget Virtual Reality, the new future is Augmented Reality! From Minecraft Earth and Pokemon Go to everyday applications in schools, hospitals and homes.
What do you think? Which AR invention are you most looking forward to?
I'm designing AR & VR right now!!!!
AR is a great platform for so much innovation. It can do so much as provide as much as it can on what it is designed for. It can go so far as to provide real time simulations. Its practical and useful for everyone to use. Its not only fun, but it does bring a new wave of info to many. AR is the future.
They will sell ad space in the sky
Wow, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Augmented and virtual reality are two completely different things. All credibility lost lol
Are we a simulation
Waiting for AR headset from Apple
This is just not appealing. At all.
Trouble is what does this do to our eyes, health and mental health too over long uses?
I'm more interested in VR than AR. VR is more immersive than AR. I want to play games like GTA etc. in VR. I don't care about mobile games.
You missed the porn industry
This video does a pretty poor job of separating out AR and VR. Some mistakes I noticed: – VR isn't restricted to a single user experience. Online play and asymmetrical local play are options. – AR has rarely been called the future of gaming. It's usually VR or cloud gaming that gets touted as that, and gamers will always prefer VR due to it's immersive nature. – Most of the classroom examples mentioned were VR, not AR. – You failed to mention the overlapping areas between AR and VR, such as a persistent metaverse that acts as a mirror world in AR and as a new reality in VR.
I like your videos… Keep it up and bring more videos ????
35 Miles….
I bet school would still be the same
Phones can have AR in VR they just need 2 cameras to function it and would be called Mixed Reality like the Mixed Reality headphones.
it can be a new fom of wive, husband, child, friend… anything you can think of. and with A.I … that's beyond our wildest imagimagination
fuck yeah boys another video please make one with nano technology
Once the glasses become less obtrusive the movie industry will boom like never before IMO. Imagine Endgame or Avatar in VR where objects literally look like they are flying by your head? A horror movie that rather than just has "jump-scares" you have monsters walk/crawl up to you in the theater? A documentary where you look around the actual environment the character is in. Yep with this technology even the crappiest movie will probably be a hit as people will just go to see it just to see how the filmmaker integrates that technology into the film.
I think AR would progress into eye implants.
We can probably augment ourselves…. Maybe?….?
An AR adblocker would be pretty awesome. Something to blot out all those billboards and other eyesores. Rather than augment reality, why not subtract all the ugly boring bits?
Watching your videos from Bangladesh, Your contents are awesome.
I can go and meet my X again with AR
Far, but not as far as the Farlands in Minecraft
Augumented reality to explore deep sea is incredible and we can explore more underwater creatures… Always your videos are excellent… Thanks for the video …
Reads title I have one word: Augma
Nice video
The end of time!! Jesus will be back before all of this happens
Love your vids! 8th comment!
Interesting and thought provoking vid
Good contains plz don't stop making in future great work??
What do you think? Which AR invention are you most looking forward to?
I'm designing AR & VR right now!!!!
AR is a great platform for so much innovation. It can do so much as provide as much as it can on what it is designed for. It can go so far as to provide real time simulations. Its practical and useful for everyone to use. Its not only fun, but it does bring a new wave of info to many. AR is the future.
They will sell ad space in the sky
Wow, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Augmented and virtual reality are two completely different things. All credibility lost lol
Are we a simulation
Waiting for AR headset from Apple
This is just not appealing. At all.
Trouble is what does this do to our eyes, health and mental health too over long uses?
I'm more interested in VR than AR. VR is more immersive than AR. I want to play games like GTA etc. in VR. I don't care about mobile games.
You missed the porn industry
This video does a pretty poor job of separating out AR and VR. Some mistakes I noticed:
– VR isn't restricted to a single user experience. Online play and asymmetrical local play are options.
– AR has rarely been called the future of gaming. It's usually VR or cloud gaming that gets touted as that, and gamers will always prefer VR due to it's immersive nature.
– Most of the classroom examples mentioned were VR, not AR.
– You failed to mention the overlapping areas between AR and VR, such as a persistent metaverse that acts as a mirror world in AR and as a new reality in VR.
I like your videos…
Keep it up and bring more videos
35 Miles….
I bet school would still be the same
Phones can have AR in VR they just need 2 cameras to function it and would be called Mixed Reality like the Mixed Reality headphones.
it can be a new fom of wive, husband, child, friend… anything you can think of. and with A.I … that's beyond our wildest imagimagination
fuck yeah boys another video please make one with nano technology
Once the glasses become less obtrusive the movie industry will boom like never before IMO. Imagine Endgame or Avatar in VR where objects literally look like they are flying by your head? A horror movie that rather than just has "jump-scares" you have monsters walk/crawl up to you in the theater? A documentary where you look around the actual environment the character is in. Yep with this technology even the crappiest movie will probably be a hit as people will just go to see it just to see how the filmmaker integrates that technology into the film.
I think AR would progress into eye implants.
We can probably augment ourselves…. Maybe?….?
An AR adblocker would be pretty awesome. Something to blot out all those billboards and other eyesores. Rather than augment reality, why not subtract all the ugly boring bits?
Watching your videos from Bangladesh, Your contents are awesome.
I can go and meet my X again with AR
Far, but not as far as the Farlands in Minecraft
Augumented reality to explore deep sea is incredible and we can explore more underwater creatures…
Always your videos are excellent…
Thanks for the video …
Reads title
I have one word:
Nice video
The end of time!! Jesus will be back before all of this happens
Love your vids! 8th comment!
Interesting and thought provoking vid
Good contains plz don't stop making in future great work??
I first
Omg 1