Bitcoin Price BULLISH but when PULLBACK…?

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About the Author: sunny decree


  1. What some shorts still don't understand is that the Bitcoin's upside from here is much greater than the downside, even if we fall back to say 7k seeing a 20k Bitcoin is extremely higher than seeing a say 1k Bitcoin.. I'm in this space to retire, not to make make money for a 2 weeks holiday in the sun and a second hand BMW..


  2. What some shorts still don't understand is that the Bitcoin's upside from here is much greater than the downside, even if we fall back to say 7k seeing a 20k Bitcoin is extremely higher than seeing a say 1k Bitcoin.. I'm in this space to retire, not to make make money for a 2 weeks holiday in the sun and a second hand BMW..


  3. We suggest to go to media to expose this crooked exchange which game against short sellers. Pls inform media like CNN and CNBC to expose this criminals. Also email Bmex to refund your loses or complain to SEC. Bmex will refund your losses.

  4. Many Chinese traders who lost money shorting at bmex are looking for compensation due to internal trading by bmex by spoofing and price pumps by Bmex. Bmex internal trading was responsible short squeeze which force short traders to buy at higher price that cause ever increasing Bitcoin price. We want everyone affected to write to SEC to investigate this unregulated derivative exchange with no KYC requirement except an email that allows many teenagers to trade.

  5. Erik Zhang.
    We have planned to deploy dBFT2.0 on the NEO MainNet in early June. Since then we will no longer experience the problem of block forks. We are one step closer to a reliable smart economy

  6. serious question. i saw you flash blockchian whispers. I went to the site. But cant really figure out what it is? Just a trading group that you pay for for signals? if so im interested. please let me know.

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