Can We Create SONIC MEESEEKS? (Funny Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Gameplay) ProjectJamesify — May 27, 2019 31 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Can We Create Sonic The Hedgehog Meeseeks In Rick And Morty Virtual-Rickality? ▷JOIN AS A MEMBER! TAP ▷SUBSCRIBE FOR … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Become a VIP Member TODAY! Get a shout-out, badge and more! TAP ? Thank you guy so much, enjoy the video
Rick says bad stuff cuz it's a popular show for teenagers even Morty says bad words so get the f**** hang of it b** f*** you
Hi James do you remember me? I couldn't watch you for ages i think the last virile i watched was when u were sick but I'm finally back!!?
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Thank you guy so much, enjoy the video
I love sonic so much
You did not even tern him into sonic SO why like
That blue thing is a bath bomb…..
Do meeseeks head and meeseeks ball
your gay
get the me seecks in go to wishing put him in the dryer!
Rick says bad stuff cuz it's a popular show for teenagers even Morty says bad words so get the f**** hang of it b** f*** you



Try to make Mario?
Did you use a fortnite new logo
Lol jk i love ya vids Xd
He does a poopy!
Rick allity good one
Jame doesn’t know bath bombs
Um you can not make sonic boiiiii
The blue thing is a bath bome

Try to create thanos meesek:)
You could have put in alot of those sprite cans
Turn it on hot and then…oh!-intro-
Make meeseeks have gun arms
You should put the alien in the dungeon where the monster is
It’s a bath boom ?
Trow mr misics into a portal
create sans
Hi James do you remember me? I couldn't watch you for ages i think the last virile i watched was when u were sick but I'm finally back!!?