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About the Author: Our Changing Climate


  1. I always enjoy your videos and their thoughtful analysis. I'd also echo the other comments about alternatives like refurbishing, recycling, and companies with a different paradigm, like Fairphone. Though it's much harder to measure, I think it's also important to consider the environmental impact of how one smart phone can consolidate so many electronics into one product, rather than every person owning a separate phone, gps, camera, ipod, etc. If done well, with a model for longevity and recycling, smart phones have the potential to dramatically reduce our electronic demand/waste, but there seems to be little economic incentive (or consequences) pushing for that model.

  2. You made my proud that my phone is an old nokia since my mom, still amazing to use and it can also download songs so I'm never bored

  3. thank you for this!!! people need to stop giving into the planned obsolescence scheme. if I were to pick a phone to replace my current one, it would definitely be a Fairphone!

  4. Thank you OCC for making a video that is not well covered of the environment impact for our uses of our smartphone. i strongly believe that we as consumer need to start taking action on reducing the amount of waste generated by always changing smartphone that are still working for the latest and greatest device. As always, thank you for making such a nice video! =)

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