Explosive news coming Tuesday? Let’s discuss and also recap 60 mins.
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Cringe Free intro , Good Listening but that intro.
I like your video, you know what we think. haha. ETF is a proof is massive, but we all still think have zero percent chance.
140 billion vs 7 trillion.. Gold is a different kind of beast
Gainsville coins accepting crypto now!!!! ?
It's going be up up and away..
LOL bro thanks for the laugh. the intro is the best.
Trade it on Primexbt and show us your power knowledge
Sign #14: U can hold ur btc on xwallet. As well as eth, bnb, and npxs.
“Fool me 3 times, you go bankrupt” ?
you are "wise"
Thank you GEORGE!!!
what time is the etf coming tommorrow?where can i find a site for info on etf news?
Thank God the intro music didn't work. Hopefully it will never work again haha
August Łitecoin mining reward halving getting closer…..?….? Then Bitcoin 2020
For info – ETN now agreed for Łitecoin last week on Germany’s Stuttgart Stock Exchange (Exchange Traded Note)
Already exists for Bitcoin and Łitecoin on Sweden’s Nordic Exchange
You guys! Gold is the 2nd layer and BTC is the 5th layer of all currencies. IT’S ALL CONNECTED for gods sake!
1. Value= a skill or trade.
2. Gold (the stuff is made from exploding stars)
3. Currency
4. Digitized
5. BTC (Digitized and Decentralized)
VanEck’s ETF delayed to August 19th (https://ethereumworldnews.com/vaneck-bitcoin-btc-etf-verdict-delayed-by-the-sec/)
MATIC is still mooning!
If ETF in not approved then major institutional money will miss out on a parabolic move.
Your sessions aren’t too long bro, I love them
VanEck-SolidX Bitcoin ETF delayed by SEC for public comments
How late whill 'the news' be there, like should I stay awake greets the Netherlands
There are gold credit cards but I still think crypto is better with the ledger n all
matic is huge because theyve been working with coinbase. Coinbase is a seeding investor and it could be huge.