The millions of people who have bought a Huawei phone are now caught up in a global trade war and could soon start losing access to several popular services …
The millions of people who have bought a Huawei phone are now caught up in a global trade war and could soon start losing access to several popular services …
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Stolen Technology = Boom…
I’m gonna buy only huawei products now because of this
NO! NO! NO! First Avocados, and now this!
Americans are unable to compete! Simple! Ban America! Ban Arrogant and Ignorant Americans throughout the world!! Let them rot inside the wall! #TRUMPFORPRESIDENT
As a response, China should ban the exportation of rare earths to the Us
There is a lot of misleading information here. I'm not going to waste my time explaining 5G or spying by telecom companies(they all do it), but I want to mention the fact that Android is actually MOSTLY free and open-source software. The AOSP(Android Open Source Project) is the entire Android operating system, and it's available to anyone.
The part that Google actually owns and is withholding from Huawei is the Google Play Store and Google Play Services.
I'm pretty sure Huawei can manage a work-around for this because I have a RemixOS tablet that's not Google Authorized, and it was not difficult to install Google Play Services on it myself. Huawei will not be allowed to ship their phones with Play Services, but they could provide a simple way for the users to install it themselves.
And now the trade war start hurting the farmers even more and more…..
Google has no trouble applying in China in 2005, throwing their 'do no evil' mantra down the money drain. I would really like to know what the Trump government threats were against Alphabet/Google in particular and why the Google lawyers caved. Huawei can switch to 'regular' Linux in no-time. They don't need Android. Users will have to bypass the "Google App Store" restriction, which will happen with the click of a button. Silliest of trade war. Has NOTHING to do with 'security'. Ask Apple and Foxconn.
Can’t U.S. based companies just leave the U.S. ?
Screw China.
Sadly the once-admired USA has become the new Evil Empire, a successor to the former Soviet Union.
This is evidenced by the fact that the Trump regime is staffed by evil and obnoxious individuals from top to bottom.
Their objective is to dominate and control the world by creating conflicts and chaos all over the world by using any means possible.
Is this because the Chinese and Americans are rivals?
great news! screw Huawei and the scummy CCP.
Huawei would not have a problem.
Look at Amazon and the Fire tablets, no access to the Google Play app unless unleashed.
Android is not actually a U.S. Product, it is Linux slightly altered.
Linux, as well as PGP, were developed outside the US to get around U.S. Laws in effect at the time.
So, all they have to do is release a full Linux distro on a phone.
Microsoft released a Windows phone lot few years ago, nothing like actual Windows.
So, a release of actual Linux, and not some Windows Vista like thing would be the way to go.
Have,I absolutely open source.
China has introduced a system of "social credits". if a citizen of China does something the state feels is wrong or bad, China could impede that person's freedoms.
Like Wham! said in the 1980s… "I don't want your freedom."
So at the behest of our unjustly accused and ostracized intelligence community Trump complies without question?
This whole issue smells like a Kushner fart. Has the greedy couple diversified their questionable business activities once again?
Huawei join here? Like if u agree
Apple and Samsung are paying trumps debth, if he goes against Huawei from outselling them both.
The real story is huawei is incredible company and they want to stop it
Up next is brain boiling with 5 g
Maybe huawei technicians go to jail for 20 years or so for illegally developing dual use technology. Technically, what Huawei did so far itself is a serious crime. China is not allowed to make such things, nor are Russia,Belarus and Vietnam.
Um..won't people just learn to sideload apps? It's not very hard..lol, even if they don't have the google services, if it's android it'll be pretty easy
Free Assange
Who? Wha? No Way? Mung is fukkin suicidal. What's the chinx version of seppuku??
This is a national security issue the Chinese government can spy on our military with this technology don't be confused
They should at least allow us to unlock the bootloader…
Basically, they’re more advanced than IPhone and Samsung given the 5G technology was already available long before 4G in the U.S. Neither companies would compete given their ridiculous prices vs the Hauwei brand. The spying is a ridiculous claim made by yours truly. Stock prices would plummet. Don’t believe the media. They’re either full of bullshit or don’t know Jack.
No se que dicen pero mienten >:n
Trump screws the American people AGAIN.
I only trust apple
I think its time for a 3rd party open source mobile OS we can't just be in a 2 horse race with Apple and Google. Google censorship all over this.
Huawei are making quality phones. They clearly are taking a chunk of Apples sales and someone spat the dummy out at the genuis camp and said destroy the competition.
Soooooooo what's going to happen to the Honor 8x I'm watching this video on xD
I feel like Google spies on us more the Huawei ever could.
capitalism is the new nazism
U idiots think its ok for china to spy on us?!
America will just make Huawei more self sufficient.