NEVER BEFORE SEEN HUGE BARRES IN VIRTUAL REALITY Jamie O'Brien — May 20, 2019 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest GIANT MEXICAN BARRELS IN A WAY IVE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE. TESTING OUT THE GOPRO FUSION TO GET SOME OF THE MOST INSANE IN THE … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Your WAY MORE FUN to watch surf than Kelly Slater!! In fact, I would wager to bet you are better than Kelly! Stay healthy!! WE NEED MORE!!
When’s the next time the boys go walls bro
Your WAY MORE FUN to watch surf than Kelly Slater!! In fact, I would wager to bet you are better than Kelly! Stay healthy!! WE NEED MORE!!
5:11 lol
Keeping the Dream alive Brotha Jamie!
HELL YA JOB. Awesome views with the fusion
Comment droppah!???
Rad 30 ft Carlsbad hahaha
360 is trippin! aye ca rumba
Forever A.I
Incredible montage?
would be so stoked to see more 360 stuff – mabie a 'little planet' edit hint hint
You look like the joogsquade when you did the back flip
9:01 craziest thing I’ve ever seen??
Sick new view !!!!
Are these waves too closed out to paddle into?
Great video Jamie! Another sick session
Did you find your board?
Makes my day these vids! I look forward to them and count down the days until them ??
Error code 44: Incorrect Engine Stop Lanyard Switch Signal ?
Yo Staple Head,
Epic Intro, Righteous Soundtrack, & Classic Outro
Well Done,
Sssick barrels & camera VR!
Great video