Bungie announced several changes coming with Season of Opulence including surprising exotic nerfs fans are not happy about. Destiny: 7 Challenges After the …
Bungie announced several changes coming with Season of Opulence including surprising exotic nerfs fans are not happy about. Destiny: 7 Challenges After the …
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Ppl are still playing destiny 2?
Borderlands is a better destiny
This is the exact reason I will never buy another d2 dlc. Or another game. They make gear fun to use, then destroy it because of new content coming out. Whether it's a raid or raid lair, or just them wanting us to use the new exotics instead. They don't care about what the actual players want. So I'm just gonna wait for borderlands 3.
People still play this..?
why does the Whisper of the Worm sounds like the old baddy Black Hammer?
So they're nerfing the strongest weapon in the game, so now everyone is freaking out their easy mode crutch has been taken away.
We have Outbreak Perfected now which can one phase raid bosses. There are also plenty of other weapons out there that you can use.
If you don't want a challenge, then play something easier? And don't come at me saying "it's optimal" or "it's just a strategy". It's not. Look at Destiny 1 raids. They were CHEESED to high hell, because they were too hard. So Bungie made them easier. And then people complained it was too easy. Then King's Fall is "impossible" without coordination. What do you guys even want?
First time agreeing with IGN
They should focus on creating better enemies with unique abilities and bosses that aren't just larger normal enemies with more health. Instead of just nerfing guns so the game is challenging. Keep exotics powerful and useful, and don't make exotic after exotic that no one's gonna wanna use like then what's the point, rare and meaningful should be what an exotic is
Better than halo infinite trash!!!!!
Who is Bungie going to blame for the Nerf Activision?
.. there are.. so so so many better games.. Duke Nukem Forever for example.. how are people still playing this..?
So they wanted to make the game worse? Ok ?
They also refuse to even acknowledge the community on hand cannon bloom. It's radio silence. These nerfs as well as the history of Bungie taking 1 step forward and 20 steps back, have convinced me nothing will ever change with Bungie. I won't be buying the next DLC and I'll wait for the collection of Destiny 3 and buy used.
Even ign is making a post
No fun allowed in Destiny 2, Bungie hath decreed
follow my channel for best ps4 games
Digging dirt I like it ign
On this episode of: "How to alienate your player base and piss everyone off." We will take a look at Bungie's incredible incompetence when it comes to "balance". I guess this just goes to show that Activision had less to do with the poor choices involving D2 then the community thought.
I didn’t know Destiny 2 was still a thing ?
I wouldn't say whisper is the best gun. There are better snipers and better weapons in general.
No way! Never have they done such a thing….(except gallajorn)
What's a destiny?
Destiny is garbage
They listened to the community once,
I HOPE they listen to us again and stop this madness
Why are they nerfing the best DPS weapon in destiny history. That’s exactly what pissed me off in the beginning about the ikelos shotgun and now they’re ruining the damage on the raids. Bungie quit nerfing crap, because your ruining the game even more. That’s why I don’t play Destiny 2 like I used to because of the nerfs
So I stopped playing because of some exotic weapons making Strikes and even raids way too easy, so I get the idea. But I somehow doubt this is actually going to work. The modifiers like Heavyweight and the reduced power scaling seemed more like the problem.
What Bungie doesn’t understand is that what we use these weapons and gear situationally as intended. Also, there are different strats but the ones people use frequently is most consistent.
It's not the best weapon in the game tf lol
Forgot the nerf on Shards of Galanor
Whats the background music in the beginning of this video?
its just going from black hammer to black spindle, so stop crying
Nobody cares……
Gave up on destiny because it got boring and NERFED
gave up on division 1 and 2 because oh wait NERFS , do these people/company’s not know how to run it ? They will never learn I guess??
I play destiny. 2 and love it and I’m so surprised they made a vid about this
Why don't you make a video on the success of Days Gone sales?
Who cares
Why does the sniper look like my chelong
Its the top dog in damage dealing. I cant believe there nerfing it.
Bungie: It's NERF or nothing
Came here to say I couldn't care less
Whats Destiny 2?
Who care