Displeased Game of Thrones fans are making their voices heard with an online petition calling for HBO to remake Season 8. And be sure to check out when Rick …
Displeased Game of Thrones fans are making their voices heard with an online petition calling for HBO to remake Season 8. And be sure to check out when Rick …
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Grow up people. What did you expect? I knew she was going to go mad or die. It's GOT. It's actually kind of funny people are so upset about it.
Who cares? This season is terrible, but why go back & try to remake something that's already done???
What absolute nonsense.
lol. Gave up on this show years ago… Gave up on most mainstream media to be honest. Have fun…
Ok this is just childish, but man oh man do I feel their pain..
There will obviously be movies made… Hollywood's all dried up so they're in the remake business now
This petition is not for them to remake this season but more a way for fans to speak out about how bad their written was, even the worst fanfic can do better.
Title should be “Games of Thrones Fans Petition HBO to waste their time.”
Entitled much? HBO Owes you nothing. It is what it is. Move on… Jesus Christ, bunch of babies these days.
The dragon ball z shirt is awesome.
I checked out on episode 3
Just wait until the finale. Like Jeezus…you thought people were made before…
Incels out here looking for patch notes for a damn TV show.
They have a source material hes called grrm dumbasses
More like Game of Thrones Hollywood Happy Ending Loving Annoying Fans Petition HBO to Remake Season 8
I was okay with the episode but after seeing all these people crying because things didn't go their way I love 'The Bells'!
Season 8 has been awful plain and simple. It was def. Rushed and just thrown together haphazardly
If i had a nickel for every time a petition worked…. i’d be broke
I love it. Wrap this series up. Kill them all
I liked it, but I must say…
This was the GoT equivalent to The Last Jedi
"drinking lots and lots of wine" pfft
Sorry folks this ain’t Burger King can’t have it your way.
at this point the petition is just a insult to dumb & dumber the only way to make them listen is to cancel your hbo subscription
That bad, huh?
People are morons.
Fans: petition
HBO: Not today
We deserve more
Some fans are HILARIOUS! LMAO
HBO should have hired new writers once D&D decided to do 6 episode even tho HBO offered fund 10 episodes. Its obvious the writers want to move onto writing Star wars as soon as possible.
I think HBO might even do it. But it would be hard to get all the cast back.
Just wait 10 years for the books to catch up. Worked for Fullmetal Alchemist.
Y’all need to grow up