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About the Author: Adam Savage’s Tested


  1. Besides medium, which only works on the rift, what is the next best 3d modeling software for VR? Because I own a different type of headset and really want to get into this

  2. Usually I am just a tourist , this video blew my mind , thank you for the knowledge shared.
    I hope you guys make a how to video about the pain in the ass that it was to do the transfer and adjustments.
    Thank you again.

  3. This is too Fracking Awesome !
    I'm going to look into this
    I've seen the Bulgarov stuff online it really is amazing …
    I have original designs that I'd love to see 3D printed

    " You have taken your first step into a much larger world "

    – Obi Wan Kenobi


  4. I'm really into the possibilities of the intuitive nature of this, Im sure once people who model in CGI get to use this we will be hooked, I am sure that we will soon be modelling 3ds Max, modo, etc in VR. I look forward to that, for me it will feel much more intuitive.

  5. if anyone could share the process of import those specific Vitaly Bulgarov parts from his kit that would be great. I have those and I cant find a way to batch import them at the good resolution like Frank in the video has. many thx in advance. 🙂

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