OpTic Gaming legimately might not exist in a few weeks!? Hitch and Maniac talked about the ESPN article about Immortal Esports buying Infinite Esports! OpTic …
OpTic Gaming legimately might not exist in a few weeks!? Hitch and Maniac talked about the ESPN article about Immortal Esports buying Infinite Esports! OpTic …
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Update from this morning: esportsinsider reported that the deal is close to being done and this was the end of the article, "If this deal does indeed go through, we find it hard to see how OpTic Gaming will still exist: its LCS team would be rebranded, Immortals owns MIBR so it can’t retain the Danish CS:GO team, and Call of Duty franchising means that the brand wouldn’t exist as we currently know it come 2020. This, all in all, would be a sad sight for the industry considering OpTic Gaming is undoubtedly one of the leading brands and only seemed to be getting better up until 2018." L's in the chat for OpTic for man
Immortals can smd
Its the franchising that will kill optic 25m for a spot and u need a city, sponsors and trademarks. fuck you activision this is gonna ruin cod. 25m for a league spot where the winnings don't even cover half of that lol its a fucking complete joke.
hecz will just rebuy what he sold.
Man hecz just wanted to make money for his family I don’t think he thought all this would be taking place like this. Infiniti just wanted to flip there shares for profit it seems like.
the cwl is shitting bricks right now ?
Hopefully not as much bandwagon fans now
We Should All Let Cwl go to shits bc they gunna regret doing this gay shit
FaZe Better Not Give Up Any %
Fuck OPTIC!!! Fucking OVERRATED!!!
TBH optic could go to shits
Less start a chant for optic in cwl guys comn esketit
Fuck League of Legends!!!
Boring ass fucking trash to watch :/
OpTic is the most important organization in COD history, no argument there. If they go down, Call of Duty will take a blow that CANNOT be fixed…
Optics drives the COD world league. Optic plays, the views go up tremendously. I just really hope optic doesn’t go away, the cod team wise , been with them since I was 13. Now I’m 17 this can’t happen
Hector should not have to pay for the team he created. This whole thing is just stupid.
wherever scump goes, i go
Optic immortals
thats what happens when u sellout to the big dogs, nice one hecz
The background music it's ksi's music right?
It would be really bad if optic ended… I started playing cod competitively because I watched scumpi
There have been offers that were said to be better than immortals so i don’t think immortals will buy them out
Been a fan of OpTic ever since I watched their first CWL match if I can remember. I’ll be sad to see them guys disband. OpTic is my favorite team and will always be. My dream was to join OpTic for either COD, Battlefield or Gears of War but sadly I’m not great like them. Hopefully I can still buy OpTic gear if it’s in stores or something
Wouldn’t it be easy for hecz to just start up a new clan? And just keep everyone on board?
He said Boze… hahaha
How they are franchising is going to kill cod
Let the CWL die, and Keep the OPTIC brand and create your own content on your own. Boot camp with other orgs and what not. Activision is fucking COD over.
They should have announced franchising 5 years in advance, worst decision that CWL has ever made, and all of the community is suffering
Sounds like the retirement of scump crime and karm
Awesome job hecz
That's what happens when you become greedy and lose control of your company for selling out Hecz is a sell out and the only one to blame for becoming super greedy
What’s you insta salvation?
Dude they just reversed gen g. Dont ungreen them ? I feel for everyone and hope everyone involved maintains their positions going forward.
This is all because game studios got real greedy. They started charging 30 million plus for league spots which forced teams like optic to sell stakes to super rich companies to get spots. Now Some orgs, even the rich ones are getting cold feet about spending 30 million on a cwl spot when views aren't that high and its a risky investment since you dont make money from ticket sales or tv deals, activision couldn't care less if a CWL spot is only worth 1 million in 5 years, they'd have their cash and that was the whole point of this elaborate scam.
Can we play together sometime fr..I almost won your tournament and been watching you for awhile I want to play or play with you..could be a good upload for you.
The cod team isn’t going under. If infinite e-sports knows anything about marketing and branding, they will keep at least the cod team under the optic name.
I’m 100% down if all Optic content team just moves to 100T and it legit just becomes the new Optic
I hate the way this is going, if immortal buys optic, the CS team is gone, OWL team is gone, I feel like they are just doing it for the LOL team, CWL team will prob become Immortals
If optic dissolve call of duty dissolves
If I’m 100% on this, if optic drops cod it might be the best thing for them, here’s why. The cwl is pretty much reliant on optic for majority views and sponsorships drivers to keep it alive. Plus call of duty as a whole on average has very little viewership on twitch unless optic members or content creators are streaming. If optic really focused on league of legends and over watch, I feel like there esports brand as a whole would actually flourish, then focusing on a dying esport with little to no viewership. My opinion, would love to hear others. Would be really sad to see them be gone though.
Hex knows alot of people I'm sure Tom would help him out
I'm literally giving up on esports if optic goes
CWL should be very worried. Since it seems like neither FaZe or 100T buying league spots. Now this OpTic issue. CWL might come to an end.
i stopped caring about optic when they dropped their halo team
You’re videos are so informative and helpful. I always feel lost in CWL no matter where I look but you glue it all together.
biggest mistake hecz made was selling the majority, and to anyone who says they had to to be able to grow, look at nade got investments and is still majority shareholder, as for content creators they can all go they lazy af, except BigT and Hitch
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Hecz can buy the OpTic “brand” keep the cod team drop ca and owl get investors and keep majority stake and try too bid for a spot in the cwl league if he wants too
Great video, Keep it up!