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About the Author: IGN News


  1. Manny people actually hated this episode ;/
    but i freakin loved it! 😀 IT was most brutal and most intense bloodbath one 😛

    manny major deaths ;/ and now that the final battle is over, i think that season 8 finale (ep 6) will be much shorter.

  2. Good on josh gad for getting in the honey I shrunk the kids reboot that's what I clicked on for, I guess you could say ign subverted our expectations on this one

  3. Everyone had to see if the writing could be worse then 3 an 4 lol.
    Sighhhhhhhhhh welcome to the club GOT nerds with star wars an Voltron an rwby fans ??? we have better written fan fiction an cool AU fan arts

  4. As it should be. One of the best episodes ever. People who are crying about it can piss of and watch disney and their happily ever after endings.

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