Game of Thrones’ penultimate episode, “The Bells,” set a new record for the series across all HBO platforms (linear, HBO GO, and HBO NOW) with 18.4 million …
Game of Thrones’ penultimate episode, “The Bells,” set a new record for the series across all HBO platforms (linear, HBO GO, and HBO NOW) with 18.4 million …
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Good on Josh Gad
Also the most hated episode ever too….
Manny people actually hated this episode ;/
IT was most brutal and most intense bloodbath one 
but i freakin loved it!
manny major deaths ;/ and now that the final battle is over, i think that season 8 finale (ep 6) will be much shorter.
Bad episode
It’s also the most dissapointing episode in the history of Game of Thrones. That’s also worth a record.
Most watched and best arent the same.. it could be most watched but worst episode
"Controversy creates cash."
Christ the video just started and there’s already a fatal flaw in it! How the heck did you jackholes manage to screw this up???
Typical IGN mistake lmao.
Probably because it is like a car crash. It is a horrible thing but people just love watching them as they happen
Very likely the most hated episode too.
Bad tv show and bad edit in video…
The ratings are here but where is the QUALITY???
And the most hated??
Good on josh gad for getting in the honey I shrunk the kids reboot that's what I clicked on for, I guess you could say ign subverted our expectations on this one
The why does it say it has the lowers raitings ever ???
Prime example why TV viewership doesnt reflect quality at all
Everyone had to see if the writing could be worse then 3 an 4 lol.
Sighhhhhhhhhh welcome to the club GOT nerds with star wars an Voltron an rwby fans ??? we have better written fan fiction an cool AU fan arts
Josh Gad claiming the Iron Throne confirmed. Honey I Shrunk the White Walkers spinoff in the works.
"Best season EVAAAA" – Emilia Clarke (2019)
LOL someone was workin on two videos at once
Wrong title IGN
As it should be. One of the best episodes ever. People who are crying about it can piss of and watch disney and their happily ever after endings.
It’s like the old, “Michael Bay” saying, people will hate it, but they’ll watch it anyway.
Hardhome is still probably my favorite big GOT battle
Good to know Josh gad is getting good work
What does Josh Gad and Honey I Shrunk The Kids have to do with Game Of Thrones?
Best season ever
What did we do??