Who will win the Game of Thrones? Terri, Jim and Joshua break down their biggest Game of Thrones: Season 8 series finale predictions. Spoilers! Game of …
Who will win the Game of Thrones? Terri, Jim and Joshua break down their biggest Game of Thrones: Season 8 series finale predictions. Spoilers! Game of …
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@ 5:09 It seems she has never read or watched Lord of the Rings lol. Aragorn did not defeat Sauron.
john will kill Danny and bran will have the throne
Did she destroy the iron throne
king brann
At this stage, who cares? This season is objectively really bad. Wait for the books.
i think they need to know some sense into dany and talk her out of stupidity.
Aria will take the throne
I think the people as harsh is it is to say kinda deserved what Dany did and it’s everything cersei deserved
Things happen. People will either like it or hate it.
I think the dragon will switch to Jon side as he is the true heir
I honestly don’t even care anymore. There is some of the most incompetent writing I’ve ever seen.
It was leaked that bran will sit on the iron throne
i have two theories as to what might happen in the finale, one being that Jon kills daenerys and ends up fulfilling the prophecy of azor ahai by killing someone he loves to stop the darkness. however the reason he kills her is not what she did in KL but because of arya attempting to kill her leading to dany executing arya, driven by remorse he kills her. either that, or Dany returns to the east to spend a life with daario in Mereen (remember about him guys?) i mean she has no real reason to stay as she bash just murdered everyone
I can't believe we're talking about taking down Danny:(
but that what's it looks like

Connor MacLeod will save the Kingdom!
Jon was already brought up for a reason! He United with Danny to take down the night king.
Finale, what finale?? Game of thrones Ended when the bells rang, I honestly wanted Kings Landing to be burned down but D&D can't convince me of anything that happened or will happen after the bells rang, not with the mad Queen card.
Bran the wheel chair that mounts the world
Nobody wins, dany destroyed the throne everyone was trying to claim for the passed 8 seasons
Jon will kill Danny. Bronn will die. Bran is a tool.
No more theories pls. Leaks have been out for months! Leaks were 100 percent true scene for scene!
Predictions? The leaks about episode 4/5 was true. The leaks about the ending… Will be true too. Search it up if you want to be spoiled.
Maybe that world needs to change and not Jon….it is amazing how people for the second time get mad at him for not lying lol…Why would he? Maybe everyone should be honourable.
Daenerys needs to be gutted by Arya