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About the Author: meatwagon22


  1. I played for almost an hour for this one, VR for an hour non stop is hard on the body and mind. A nap was needed afterward. Enjoy friends

  2. please try firewall zero hour its made for the aim controller and has full movement its a special forces type game that is definitely your type of game it won vr game of the year 2018

  3. Hey meaty if you own a HTC Vive and plan on buying one you must play hotdogs horse shoes and hand grenades it’s right down your alley

  4. The teleport thing wouldn't be bad if instead of a screen flicker it actually showed you walking. That screen flicker, in vr would make me sick and leave me needin more then a nap lol. Other then that this game looks great. The guy talking doesn't really bother me, his voice fits pretty good. Shame everything is semi auto.

  5. I just opened up YouTube and saw this video…About 4-5 years ago I use to binge watch your meatycraft series. Been missing out on great content for a long time

  6. Meatyman!! You looking devine like a fine wine XD loving top! Where you get bud? x this games is weird, I like it though except that dude, he is annoying and very bossy lol x

  7. Tbh if someone took this game, and combined it with the vr game that makes you actively reload(pop in the mag and everything) Then i think you'd have a solid title here. Irs good so far but aye everything can get better the games acronim is h3vr

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