VIRTUAL REALITY DOCTOR | Surgeon Simulator (HTC Vive Virtual Reality) jacksepticeye — May 13, 2019 44 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest The Team Fortress 2 surgery in Surgeon Simulator supports the HTC Vive and it’s SO fun! The Lab ▻ … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Jack have you every played tf2 if so could you play it on the channel????( also ya can't use spys knife to snip jack?)
It is Craig Marduk
* irish man speaking in russian accent as german doktor *
You e never watched meet the medic have u
hahaha octoberfest! >:) from medic taunt
Should I r/gatekeep this
Fuck heavy don't give a shit
Jack: Stabs Heavy to death
Also Jack: Aww, did I fail? God dammit!
Your accent is supposed to be german
1:53 of course jack! His name is heavy!
So good, but you got the medics voice, he’s German, but still great
Oh man did I fail stabs him in the chest and in his face
It’s sandvich
Hey Jack, those drugs? Those jars are filled with Sniper's piss.
BLU spy's head wasn't in the fridge on cue to say,"Kill me.".
hears surgeon in other room "sTaB StAb sTaB" that is never good to hear from a surgeon
3:48 It turns out the Doctor was a Spy
Yes you were right the pigeons
name is Archimedes
the medic is germa and the heavy is russian
The medic is german
Why the FUCK is this on disney XD
They Will have to glue you back to getter in hell
Jack have you every played tf2 if so could you play it on the channel????( also ya can't use spys knife to snip jack?)
Stab stab,oh man did i fail,DAMMIT ?
Some lung was sticking out
I'm watching this at like 3 in the morning ??
jack just use the bonesaw!
the medic is German and the Heavy is Russian. 4:55
Meet the amazing jackmedic!
Dude go play Team Fortress 2
Thsts it im doing it heafty fuck you presses button explosion Me: WTF!!!!
Ok we got this drops pipe wrench AW FACK*
Oh he has a heart tosses it
Ooops! Zat was not medicine.
I expect spy's head in medic's fridge and say "SEDUCE ME!"
4:13 did I fail?
You just STABBED your patient I think you did
8:34–9:45 and this folks, is where Medic's mental breakdown began
Jack should play tf2
No sanvich for you