Karak sits down to review Rage 2 out tomorrow on Xbox, PS4 and PC. Correction the side activities are more narrative driven mini quests than side quests.
Karak sits down to review Rage 2 out tomorrow on Xbox, PS4 and PC. Correction the side activities are more narrative driven mini quests than side quests.
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I wished a fallout game looked and played this good though…
what happened to id? rage 1 was awful. I'm not too excited about this one at all
Nice review. However, stylistically, your similies are a bit over-used, and delivered too quickly.
The God has spoken. Thank you. My preorder is justified.
Rantoni Pepperoni
"Like HDR? Well like it on another game" – ACG
The Hunter becoming the hunter? Thats a bit redundant……..lol
Not performing well enough on X to care about this game. Rage was disappointing, 2 would be a waste of time.
You were a fan of Mad Max? Oh boy…
I am very hestitant when I pre order a game I know nothing about…thanks Anthem, this game looks decent, really want to pre oreder but idk ?
I still don't get it. (Nice review btw)
But rage 1 was nothing special. Why a sequel?
Best reviewer on the interwebs. All you need to know.
> ACG: Reviews that aren't filled with sponsored bullcrap.
> Proceeds with sponsored bullcrap of some youtube noname.
I always compare current FPS games to KillZone 3 on the PS3.
damn loosum hagar looks like THAT?
The Arkham Knight chase is soooo stolen. I believe the dodge is literally the same animation the batmobil uses.
First time to your channel great review really broke down in fair way "Gunna get my Rage on"
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge another creator during the channel plug, respect!
40 hours? This is short, I really hoped Rage 2 had a lengthy campaign.
Sounds more like a, wait for a deep, deep sale for me
With the FPS issues I definitely will not play until those are resolved I’m sick of having great hardware in my pc and a game just playing terribly for seemingly no reason at all
Lol who even are you
Seems like this game world is actually still pretty grey/brown, it's just they replaced a lot of the light sources with neon colors. (yellow floodlight becomes purple, red flares become blue, etc…)
Was about to skip this one but saw your review. Definitely buying it now! Thanks!
Rage 1 had all this graphic issues, FPS issues etc, which was the main reason why I didn't even play that game.
But now Rage 2, TOO have the same exact issue, what the fuck….I'm hugely disappointed….I may not be playing Rage 2 as well I guess.
Great review as always – thanks
Looks fun
I remember Rage 1 was supposed to be this good reimagined-shooter back in the day and that it didn't do so well. I'm glad they hit the mark with this one.
Not even 60fps with a 2080ti is just unacceptable
“Battles were either short changed or short circuited…” how do you come up with stuff like that.
Thank you for the review ACG can always count on you for unbiased pro's and con's for any game you turn your in depth eye on. An thank you to the patrons of the channel which allow him to do this full time and do it independently.
Games like this should have new game plus borderlands style. And progress character more
dude sounds like Xbox’s Major Nelson
Karak have u ever done DMT ? Good review btw.
Speaking of music, do you think one day a game will feature something like Spotify or different music apps to add your own soundtrack?? Yes I know you can do that now but I’m talking about in the game.
Great review, can't wait to play tonight!!!
Damn, mad props for pushing smaller channels. This alone makes me love this channel
Looks like I will be waiting for a sale because Bethesda games reduce the price after a month
How does the game run?
I don't think it's fair to complain a game can't hit 4k60 on max settings. Even with a 2080ti, that's a big ask. Also, I think it'd be nice if you tested a mid range card at 1080 as well since quite frankly only .01% of us actually have top end hardware .