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About the Author: IGN


  1. Rewatching mewtwo again in the movie gave me the first movie vibes. I have some spoilers kind of to say. just dont hit read more please.

    In the movie how the pokemon goes crazy. Reminded me of Resident evil a bit

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    በጣም ጥሩ ጓደኛ … የእኛን ድረገፅ ይጎብኙ, ሁልጊዜ የሚጠብቁትን በጣም የቅርብ ጊዜዎቹን ፊልም ፊልሞች አለ.ከታቸውን ካዩ በኋላ አይቆጩም እና አይጸጸቱም.ይህ ድረ-ገፃችን:

  3. Yeah i got a question. When a white character is played by a black person is ok, but is the other way around fine? Like if some white actor played has Black Panther. Would it be ok or would there be riots?

  4. The diference is you don't get to choose starter pokemon
    You get Pikachu immediately
    I'd take that any day

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