Has potential needs work. Shadow counters and counters in general shpuld be removed, or having th ability to perform one should come at a cost of meter. Combos should be more challenging, every hit should require a button to be pressed. Not an ideal competitors game. Mechanically its pretty beat, visually it looks badass. Please remove breakers for the following KI title.
This is seriously the best fighting game I’ve ever played.
thunder has an awkward body? I think your body is the awkward one bro
WOW I’m gonna get it (sees its free) oh ok. (Sees I cant play any character in this game) WTF!!!!!
Best pc fighting game
Man they had one job and it was to make a fighting game and they could barely even do that. I played the free to play version and half the time my hits never connected even when I was right next to the guy. Not to mention how you gonna put a game as free to play but only offer on character? Are you trying to keep people coming back cause charging them for characters isn't the way to go about it. But what do I know you all love defending shitty game companies that only want money
I don't like the character redesigns at all.
I want to get this game but is the combos hard to pull off
Did Microsoft buy the ip
The first one still the best
Its a good game but simply not finished they should have made more characters and a story type mode then released it
Well they messed up killer instinct for the second time! The snes version is still the best!
Well now IGN needs to do a review again, because that 8.4 will surely become a 10. This game HAS IT ALL!!!! BUY IT, you wont regret it. Butter smooth servers, great visuals, sound and music. Diversified music and stages and characters. This is the only fighter game I played that I couldn't help myself on to wanting to learn all of the fighters. The mechanics are OUTSTANDINGLY adept, quick and SATISFYING. It's the whole package with 29 playable fighters, arcade, multiplayer, solo, story, online and shadow lords game modes and including customizable character content and cosmetics. This is a true contender to Morteal Kombat X. (Easily better)
its 10/10 after season 3.
LOL the PC version just came out with…37 characters. Game doesn't look outdated at all too
Garbage game lol ?
Vince says that there are only six playable characters in Killer Instinct, but there are twenty-eight.
i literally have only played one fight because my computer won't load the game for some reason
what a shit review
this is better than street fighter 5
other pro:
they kept the combo breaker sound effect
I'm new to Killer Instinct and after watching this review, I have a question. Is there some sorrt of catch for the 6 characters? Like is this a full game, or is it only 6 for another reason?
My Snes came with KI back in the day, soundtract cd and all. It's still one of the best looking fighting games up to this day. I have the ps3 and 4 and would only get an xbox to play KI but is it worth it? Its looks like a cartoon but I'm willing to look pass that if the gameplay is anything near the classic version. Some feedback would be greatly appreciated
came here after i seen on xbox gold for free. downloaded season 1 last year free, downloaded season 2 for free this year. Total cost for KI soo far $0.00
One of the best fighting game.This puts sfv and kof 14 to shame.
lol I got a PlayStation ad
How do you get the other seasons for the physical Xbox One Combo-Breaker Pack version of this game? Are they free updates, or do you have to buy them? If you do need to buy them, how much are they (in Canadian dollars)?
so wait is this a reboot or something
this game looks great why is MS putting it on PC why would anyone buy an xbox one when this game is on pc
Should I install the game? I have it in my "ready to install" menu on XB1. What do you guys think?
What's the song?
I bought the supreme edition of the game but I can't find the game in my list do I have to buy the main version separately?
They should review season 3 but still 4 more characters after its done
Need an updated review! The game is getting better and better, but I wonder how it compares to the competition!! I am debating on getting KI Season 3. 1 & 2 are amazing
season1 was the best until iron galaxy got ahold of it and screwed the game play mechanics up if the same developers did season2 and 3 then it would have been a flawless fighting game
I think it go he same rating as street fighter 5?
ign should do a re review for ki since season 3 coming out and the game is alote different from when it first came out this is like the only fighting game that gets me hype now the love for fighting games left me intell this game came back lol
They should do a re review for season three. As the roster is huge now.
8.4 this dude talked about it like it was a phucking 9.2.
i think the part where ign bashes ki for the character design being off is a bit flawed. as you can pick the retro version done in new graphics. i think this is just nit picking.
Has potential needs work. Shadow counters and counters in general shpuld be removed, or having th ability to perform one should come at a cost of meter. Combos should be more challenging, every hit should require a button to be pressed. Not an ideal competitors game. Mechanically its pretty beat, visually it looks badass. Please remove breakers for the following KI title.
This is seriously the best fighting game I’ve ever played.
thunder has an awkward body? I think your body is the awkward one bro
WOW I’m gonna get it (sees its free) oh ok. (Sees I cant play any character in this game) WTF!!!!!
Best pc fighting game
Man they had one job and it was to make a fighting game and they could barely even do that. I played the free to play version and half the time my hits never connected even when I was right next to the guy. Not to mention how you gonna put a game as free to play but only offer on character? Are you trying to keep people coming back cause charging them for characters isn't the way to go about it. But what do I know you all love defending shitty game companies that only want money
I don't like the character redesigns at all.
I want to get this game but is the combos hard to pull off
Did Microsoft buy the ip
The first one still the best
Its a good game but simply not finished they should have made more characters and a story type mode then released it
Well they messed up killer instinct for the second time! The snes version is still the best!
Well now IGN needs to do a review again, because that 8.4 will surely become a 10. This game HAS IT ALL!!!! BUY IT, you wont regret it.
Butter smooth servers, great visuals, sound and music. Diversified music and stages and characters. This is the only fighter game I played that I couldn't help myself on to wanting to learn all of the fighters.
The mechanics are OUTSTANDINGLY adept, quick and SATISFYING.
It's the whole package with 29 playable fighters, arcade, multiplayer, solo, story, online and shadow lords game modes and including customizable character content and cosmetics.
This is a true contender to Morteal Kombat X. (Easily better)
its 10/10 after season 3.
LOL the PC version just came out with…37 characters. Game doesn't look outdated at all too
Garbage game lol ?
Vince says that there are only six playable characters in Killer Instinct, but there are twenty-eight.
i literally have only played one fight because my computer won't load the game for some reason
what a shit review
this is better than street fighter 5
other pro:
they kept the combo breaker sound effect
I'm new to Killer Instinct and after watching this review, I have a question. Is there some sorrt of catch for the 6 characters? Like is this a full game, or is it only 6 for another reason?
My Snes came with KI back in the day, soundtract cd and all. It's still one of the best looking fighting games up to this day. I have the ps3 and 4 and would only get an xbox to play KI but is it worth it? Its looks like a cartoon but I'm willing to look pass that if the gameplay is anything near the classic version. Some feedback would be greatly appreciated
came here after i seen on xbox gold for free. downloaded season 1 last year free, downloaded season 2 for free this year. Total cost for KI soo far $0.00
One of the best fighting game.This puts sfv and kof 14 to shame.
lol I got a PlayStation ad
How do you get the other seasons for the physical Xbox One Combo-Breaker Pack version of this game? Are they free updates, or do you have to buy them? If you do need to buy them, how much are they (in Canadian dollars)?
so wait is this a reboot or something
this game looks great why is MS putting it on PC why would anyone buy an xbox one when this game is on pc
Should I install the game? I have it in my "ready to install" menu on XB1. What do you guys think?
What's the song?
I bought the supreme edition of the game but I can't find the game in my list do I have to buy the main version separately?
They should review season 3 but still 4 more characters after its done
Need an updated review! The game is getting better and better, but I wonder how it compares to the competition!! I am debating on getting KI Season 3. 1 & 2 are amazing
season1 was the best until iron galaxy got ahold of it and screwed the game play mechanics up if the same developers did season2 and 3 then it would have been a flawless fighting game
I think it go he same rating as street fighter 5?
ign should do a re review for ki since season 3 coming out and the game is alote different from when it first came out this is like the only fighting game that gets me hype now the love for fighting games left me intell this game came back lol
They should do a re review for season three. As the roster is huge now.
8.4 this dude talked about it like it was a phucking 9.2.
i think the part where ign bashes ki for the character design being off is a bit flawed. as you can pick the retro version done in new graphics. i think this is just nit picking.
This is the best free game ever.