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About the Author: IGN


  1. Where's Quantum Break? GTA V released in 2013 on previous gen consoles. Oh and the Xbox One version has less grass than other versions.

  2. FORZA 4 is above Witcher? Are you guys stoned? Are you absolutely out of your minds? FORZA 4 shouldn’t even make it to the list same for red dead 2 who plays that game again?

  3. How is Rainbow Six Siege not here? It's been in the top 5 most played games for yesrs. It's above GTA 5, Overwatch, Red Dead Redemption 2 and literally every other game in this list besides Apex.

    Halo 5 should definitely be here too. Despite the disappointing story it still had great gunplay, great level design, and one of the best Halo multiplayer experiences as long as you're competitive lol. It's not very casual friendly which I think was a mistake.

  4. Rainbow 6 Siege should be here. A huge player base bigger than BO4 (crazy considering it's a 4 year old game) and is a satisfying and unique shooter with so much opportunity for you to develop as a player without getting boredz

  5. Re2 is 15!!!!?????? In my opinion the RE2 remake is the absolute best game I have ever played, I might be bias because i have loved RE since it originally came out but i honestly have not had a better experience than RE2 remake!

  6. Me if this list was from 2014: MCC not worthy

    Now: "sigh" fine its worthy, only cause I love reach.

  7. Best game of this generation: breath of wild
    Best game previous generation: the last of us
    Best game before previous generation: metroid prime
    Best game before before previous generation: metal gear solid
    Best game….. pfff. Super mario best game 4ever ✌️

  8. It's allot easier for me to do a top Xbox list then a ps4 list in my opinion Red Dead 2, witcher3, sekrio, re2 remake, Dishonored 2, AC orgins, Batman Arkham night, fallout4.

  9. Okay, this list when compared to IGN’s own PS4 list makes literally no sense when ranking the games that are available on both consoles.
    For instance AC Odyessy is 25th on PS4 but is 14th on Xbox, and Overwatch is 23rd on Xbox but 14th on PS4?? There’s so many other examples, including Inside, which is apparently the 2nd best game you can play on the Xbox isn’t even on the PS4 list and ranking red dead 2 above GTA5 on Xbox but GTA5 above Red Dead 2 on PS4. I get that the lists have obviously been done by different teams, but come on IGN, you’ve got to be at least a little consistent in what you’re saying

  10. Why is this specifically an xbox list? Nearly all of them are available on ps4, PC and I'm sure a fair few are on the switch too and it's not like all the games are xbox one enhanced so it cant claim that's why this list is a thing either. What was the point of this?

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