Tacoma reviewed by Miranda Sanchez on PC. Also available on Xbox One. The Reinvention of Tacoma – IGN First …
Tacoma reviewed by Miranda Sanchez on PC. Also available on Xbox One. The Reinvention of Tacoma – IGN First …
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Love me some toyota tacoma
Just got it on Humble Bundle!
You're here after humble bundle, aren't you?
Game looks beautiful and I just got it for free
who's here after the Humble Bundle free offering
So what’s the point of the game?
Cool vid! Thanks for this.
Id play Tacoma over Gone Home anytime. But the stories of both games are too predictable. I don't even know why I played gone home till the ending. The moment i started playing it I knew that there was SPOILER ALERT, there was not going to be a horror aspect and as I met Sam's girlfriend Lonnie, I immediately knew they probably ran away together. Not such an impactful story considering that there is no gameplay xD. Tacoma on the other hand had a nice twist to it and I actually felt like listening to the characters, was fun!
free on prime twitch
Does anyone know what song is played starting at 0:15? It goes until 1:10.
This game's pretty sweet. Great graphics and interesting world building. But yeah if you don't like "walking simulator" games then you definitely won't like this!
Not as good as Gone Home, but a decent attempt. Fullbright is a very talented team, but they need to hire more people.
why you show the password………angry …
Isn't "Miranda" a woman's name?
social justice warrior's wet dream of future where everyone is lesbian or indian, no white males. maybe they put them in concentration camps in mid 2000. very sick game
Was hoping it would have been like Gone Home
This doesn't sound like Miranda?
Why has the dude got a girls name
So this and Halo Wars 2 are the only "Xbox one" exclusives that's been out so far?
You are not Miranda! What have you done to her?
The title of this game disturbs me greatly. The single most terrifying city in Washington State. Every time the reviewer says "in Tacoma" I immediately start turning me head 360 degrees in anxiety.
reminds me of ever17
Does anybody know the name of the tune that plays in the background?
This should be in VR dammit.
Really looking forward to this game on Xbox One.
Wow, looks amazing.
horizon took 7yrs to make & it got 9.5 but games like tekken 7 ,Tacoma,& other simple games hit the review.ign were watching u don't just fake review
Super excited for this, especially since it's a rare game that my PC can run, haha.
So a different person actually wrote the review than the one doing the voice over. Now thats really lame IGN
Another walking Simulator.
toyota tacome 2017 is a nice ride
This game is whack
Can't wait to get it on steam
We need The Redeemer review
Add VR support and maybe it would be worth it.
His skills in reading is top notch. A Real talent
I saw that dig on Prey
No toyota jokes?
So far we've had Halo Wars 2, Tacoma, and then we got Forza 7, Crackdown 3, Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare, State of Decay 2, PUBG, and many more coming this fall and spring 2018. Xbox is making a good comeback.
So this is kinda like echo night beyond but less scary and more artsy
I'm honestly shocked it's not on PS4. All good games seem to be on PS4 (either multi-platform or exclusive), and that shows how well PlayStation has been doing in recent years. Kudos to Xbox for getting something. lol
this game looks alright. 8.5, that's a good review.