Check this drone out here – https://tinyurl.com/yxawj7wd
If an MJX Bugs Drone and a Hubsan Drone (Around $100 Drones of Said Companies) had a Baby Drone, we think it would end up looking a lot like this SHRC SH2 Quadcopter! Now, of course those are both well established companies that we all know put out some really great products. We are just saying we think this drone takes a lot of ideas from many of their products. The real question is though, will this perform as well as a Bugs or Hubsan drone? We will definitely find out! Abby and I are always on the lookout for a good GPS Camera Drone under $100 that we can recommend, so this should be a fun test! Let us know what you guys think in the comments below! Happy Flying!
Check out the drone we would recommend over this one here – https://goo.gl/B8Zee9 (might consider the RTF version)
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Robert Hipp, Raymond Hausele, Priyan, michael baney, Carpenter Rick, Chuck R, Ryan Alexander, Gary Zion, Richard Higginson, Garrel Riggs, Richard Bereczky, Bryan Tyson, Gary Crawford, Dan Seldomridge, john salt, David Chenzoff, Flosiin, Ben Woods, Brandon Tibbetts, Banks McDade, Ron Erickson, Jesper Larsen, Michel J. Gaudet, Alan Savage, Brad Dusold, Matthias, Gary Burt, Michael Califf Sr, Haar Bear, and Colin Neubauer-Keyes
Intro and Outro Animation – http://www.codysaylor.com
Check out the drone we would recommend over this one here – https://goo.gl/B8Zee9 (might consider the RTF version)
Happy Flying!
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Knock off of a 502 S
Defo a 'No-No' for me … The Hubsan H502E knocks the spots off this one guys. Stay well, stay safe and thanks for the review
SHRC SH2 = $83.33; Bugs 2 = $189.52. At first, a drone costing 1/2 the price seems like a good value. However, this episode shows that the SHRC SH2 is so mediocre compared to the Bugs that most customers should save up for the Bugs.
Have you two ever thought about buying a rc submarine?
Umm google translate? or any online manuals? maybe calling the seller? but i'm sure you've done that right? =j there's no secret button for that =j
No for sure a pass on this one..Sorry MJX and BUGZ your family planning didnt work. Now if you added brushless motors and 5.8g then it would be worth looking at
Nate it's ok not to like a drone and you don't have to feel bad as long as your honest.You are helping people making a decision on whether or not to spend a $100 on a drone.Abby you keep helping him with it.You helped out great with your little nudge.Lol Have fun y'all!
Good review of more of the same Chinese junk!
Well, once again, this review proves the the REAL VALUE of watching this channel!!! Nate, you were too nice about saying "thumbs down." LOL? Abby is totally correct on this one – "It's Bad," for sure!? I mean the battery was under 40%, after a long & difficult calibration (& waiting for satellite links).? No SD card slot.? Camera quality was ? on the 1080 setting with low wind conditions. Controller wasn't marked well & no English instructions.? Also, is there even a built in smartphone holder, on the controller???? Question about the oval track – are they going to pave it & maybe bank the 2 turns? If they do both, it would be awesome for racing "parking lot cars and motorcycles!"?? You guys, without a doubt, have the best, most honest & family friendly YouTube RC review channel on YT!???? I love the "just out of the box" & "fresh off the charger" review experiences, you share with this growing RC family!??? Take awesome care! JP
I know that you didn't get along with your Private Eyes drone (updated Visuo GPS drone) but can you please give it another chance? I've been looking around, and can't find another that disliked it. There was others that didn't know about the modular camera, and the orbit function is so much better than this one. You've just gotta give it a direction (says how to do the orbit function in the manual)
Onto subject, why can't drones get 10 mins flight at a minimum? Batteries nowadays are good and cheap. For the quality of that drone, it seems over priced. More like a 50 quid drone, than nearly 100.
Sorry friends, butI absolutely cannot agree with your recommandation of the Hubsan 507. Don't know what brought you to recommend that one. It has: a short flight time, short distance and a proprietary battery. For the same or less money one can get the 502s, with the 5.8 GHz transmitter with integrated display, long flight time long-distance, cheap generic battery. That is quite a different and way better machine.
Another great review just wanted to say thank you. I just got my first GPS drone a bebop 2 and I've only flown it once but amazing once again thanks
You guys are great, not to sure about this one, Always completely honest and appreciate as always
GPS drones need long flight times. It otherwise seems pretty good.
Very poor, instead buy a Hubsan h502e, reasonably priced, all the spares readily and cheaply available everywhere, ( the motors in these little brushed quads don’t last and do require changing unless you just going to use it for an ornament ! )and it takes an sd card
The two best $100 brushed motor GPS drones are the SJRC Z5 and the Visuo xs812s. I’d rate the z5 as the best because of range and remote tiltable camera.
Always enjoy your videos but now Ads in the beginning, middle and end so I cant sit through them anymore.
Well, it seems to be aesthetically appealing at least. Unfortunately, that's about it. For that same price, you could get something like a Scharkspark Beetle that'd likely outperform that, even without it having GPS.
Can I shoot it? Haha jk
Not too keen on this one to be honest, it's too much like the hubsan x4 desire pro h216a, which is a pretty unreliable drone, lol as are a lot if hubsan drones to be honest, I have had 4 out of 6 die on me and hubsan have very poor after sales service.. Anyway back to this drone, for £50 it would be OK (if the batteries are not this bad) but I would not pay more then that or recommend to people if they have to pay more then that..
Yes I keep bugging him every now and then about the oval. I just love dirt oval racing. LOL Send the buggies Nate vs Abby
The bad out weighed the good. You have decided wisely my son. Not recommended. Abby 2 byes in one video, priceless. ????. To much tv.
Too bad, it looked nice. Thanks Saylors!
Doesn't it always take longer the first time to lock it to satalites
Thanks for the info and video.
Thanks honest! Stuff! For price? Eeehh! Buyer decided! But cheaper n more performances are out there! Great video! GoodLuck!
Hey, been here since the beginning, great reviews and haven’t regretted watching a single video… pls do more giveaways tho, thx
Hey, Saylors! I just got my stickers, love them! I just started my YouTube channel; gave you guys a shout out in my latest upload (unboxing the JLB Cheetah). Let me know if it is OK to post a link here, or how I can get that info to you (I did not want to just post it here without asking). I am a total YouTube beginner, you guys are the best!
Excellent review! Keep up the good work
Awesome review as always…