Last weekend we we´re invited to the DRL in Munich. For BMW beeing the host in their kaleidoscopic automobile museum “BMW-Welt”, the chances were high that the audience was about to experience something extraordinary. But take a look for yourself.
The awesome track is by KOVEN – V O I C E S:
I gotta say thank you to all the Pilots that let me in their “inner circle” that day. It was a lot of fun. And no, Jake, you don´t owe me a beer anymore.
Also thanks to Melanie and Nicholas for beeing so nice and welcoming.
Gear we use:
shooting Video in the ground:
Pilotfly C45 Gimbal: http://kurzelinks.de/qai7
Canon G7X mkii https://amzn.to/2HmQ5Cq
Windshield https://amzn.to/2quuaQ7
Bendy Tripod https://amzn.to/2H2lW7X
flying drone in the air:
X4R Frame https://goo.gl/yAr551
AIO FC+ESC Board https://goo.gl/9mFf7w
Motors https://goo.gl/aDWxub
FrSky RX https://goo.gl/R3w5iW
FPV Cam https://goo.gl/G3KwgU
Video Transmitter https://goo.gl/3Mk7um
Infinity RS Lipo https://goo.gl/ktm6bB
GoPro Session 5 https://amzn.to/2H2XYcS
On the Ground:
Taranis X9D SE Transmitter https://goo.gl/L741NU
Fatshark Dominator HD3 Goggles https://goo.gl/swxRpK
Eachine PRO58 RX https://goo.gl/PZuJCQ
Small FPV Screen https://amzn.to/2HzV3t3
Comfy Chair https://goo.gl/TdwbZm
Other Stuff:
Amazing TS100 Soldering Iron https://goo.gl/qwBrE9
ISDT Q6 PLus Charger https://goo.gl/5AGFJD
Power Supply https://goo.gl/BrYsN1
Parallel Charging Board https://goo.gl/GBb3hR
Charge Marker https://goo.gl/nBdyGo
Lmao “normally flies under trains”
Subbed ??
I want a racer 3 l would put it on the shelf #emaxhawk5 <——my quad so pumped for release go robogenisis
Nice, hab euch gar nicht gesehen aber wie ich sehe durftet ihr etwas weiter rein
War echt sehr geil, hoffe DRL kommt nächstes Jahr wieder nach Deutschland dann gehe ich wieder hin denke ich, war schon ein Erlebnis
Hab auch ein kleines "Handy Video" geschnitten mit ein paar raw crashes xD
Gutes Video macht weiter so!
Grüße SkyHogRC ?
Erstklassiges Video ???
Sieht sehr geil aus
Nice shots!!
very geil
Cooles Video! Und danke für den Sticker ;^)
Great video guys! ??
Sehr cooles Video sehr cooler Schnitt vielen Dank dafür
Finally a course where we can see some racing instead of 90% DNFs.
Ich habs leider nicht geschafft!! ???
Wow what a sweet track!!! And so many drone's!!! This is where i wish i was!!!! Sweet post!!