Odin’s beard! We go into full SPOILERS about how that Endgame moment could pay off later in the MCU. How to Pee During Avengers Endgame Without …
Odin’s beard! We go into full SPOILERS about how that Endgame moment could pay off later in the MCU. How to Pee During Avengers Endgame Without …
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To everyone complaining about the title: If they had named this video “That Loki Twist,” it’d be a MASSIVE spoiler
I think the Loki series is going to focus on 2012 version of Loki not the present version Loki.
Favorite character was “ Howard Potts”
Then the dark world wouldn't have happened right?????
It's a different timeline. It's more like a different dimension.
Title and actual video discussion are two separate topics.
I heard loki was going to be a young loki show. And Tom is going to just do his voice
Wong: Strange, how many heroes do you want
Dr. Strange: Yes
I feel like twists arent very twisty anymore
Did u enjoy the movie ?
People y’all think there’s another movie coming out?
I don't understand why everybody is so hung up on Loki. It's a completely different dimensional timeline and doesn't effect the base MCU timeline, it doesn't really matter if since Loki doesn't timetravel.
Hey production team, maybe watch the videos IGN sends you before editing and uploading
Loki is dead
Yeah you should rethink the title..
The thumbnail description says it all you funking piece of ship low life fugg face ash holes???
That same shirt she’s wearing on her website
Ummmm title…?
Movie was fuckin trash
So if gamora from 2014 can be brought to future why can't let's say Natasha from 2013 be brought to the current time …??
Thought you were going to mention Thor's new "ahem" appearance..
Wrong title guys
Even putting that title in my youtube feed is a spoiler. Now I'm expecting something instead of being surprised. Hints are still spoilers.
Didnt that technically never happen because they went back in time further to get the tesseract so it was never in New York
Bottom left corner “WHEN is Loki”???
I thought this video was about thor's "abs"..;p
Talk about spoiler title………….
Or cap went back to when they took it and put it back meaning Loki never got it.
cough cough wrong title
All your titles seem like spoilers too me. Am unsubscribing because of this!!!
I have not seen the movie, OR this video. But that title really seems too revealing
What do you think is running in my veins!?!
Nice title IGN
Why do people not understand. They said it in the movie. Changing the past does not affect the future
Unpopular opinion: infinity War > End Game
The title should have been "That Loki character twist"
The title is so bad
Not sure if intentionally misleading or just poorly written
Jacki is fiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!!!!
i thought from the soulstone
that hawkeye killed red skull for the stone. nah my guess was wrong
WTF was the guy smoking who did the title and thumbnail of this video?