Avengers: Endgame is three hours long and we figured out how to never miss a second of it! 21 Stupid Questions with Suda51 – Up at Noon: …
Avengers: Endgame is three hours long and we figured out how to never miss a second of it! 21 Stupid Questions with Suda51 – Up at Noon: …
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Let's be adults here…piss on the guy next to you
I will buy on Apple store.
I always go to restroom before the movie and I hardly drink soda until the half of the film
IGN you just lose one of your subscriber
I never drink in the cinema, only eat popcorn. Too disgusted to use public toilets.
I actually hold my pee, it was worth the 3 hr piss
1989: flying cars will be invented in the future
2019: how to pee without going to the toilet
Whoever came up with this idea to make this video also must have supported days gone review….. Ign standards ??????????
all you nerds piss your pants regardless.
IGN > Quality Content
I sat thru that entire movie and not once did I have the urge to pee. Yall just have weak bladders
I went to watch it on Friday and to be honest I forced my self to hold my piss and after the movie ended I went Running to rest room
Go five minutes before the start and then after it finishes. There you go.
IGN: HoW tO PeE WiThOuT LeAvInG yOuR sEaT
Can people seriously not hold it for 3 hours? It really isn’t hard at all
I am lucky that i have been blessed with the ability to hold my pee for a very long time, Held it once for 5 hrs lmao.
Why u guys making a lot of a deal about the movie length, the 3 lord of the rings movie are the same length, the dark knight also and interstellar to and more.
Anyone who was a fan of lord of the rings will find no problem not going half way through the movie. In saying that any time during the first couple of hours would be fine to miss
im not going to go into specifics but i may have peed where i shouldnt have. shhhhhhhh
No mamen no Es para tanto bola de inutiles
So funny.
You can't see it, but I'm laughing so much in the inside. Ohohohihoh……?
In a cup
Seen last night at 11:55 got out 3 in the morning and held it in all the way
Ive gone 1 full day without peeing
In the toilets at least .
Dumb video
Or… OR… Now hear me out on this… Don't drink anything before seeing the movie? A wild suggestion, I know. But it worked for me! ?
I had dinner before the movie with friends and forgot to pick up tickets beforehand. Then there was a massive queue in the cinema, then the staff member forgot to give me my phone back when they took it to print the tickets and I realised when I was a few floors up in the cinema. Had to run back down and grab it. It bad been 13 minutes since the movie was meant to start but I knew that ads last at least 15 minutes in my cinema, I ran to the bathroom but out of stress I couldn't pee even tho I needed to lol. Got back in just before the movie started and damn I completely forgot about needing to pee sometimes cuz the movie was so intense
I sat through it and I have a weak bladder lol
No haircut scene in the film but on my second watch I peed during the scene of the Bruce banner eating breakfast.
Leave it to the MCU to force people to make strategies on when to pee during a movie.
I didn't need to pee all the way through and after till i got home
Did IGN need to make two videos about this??
What!? This is just ridicoulous(sorry if i spelled it wrong). I holded my pee for 5 hours once
Probably a day
Funny story, I was one of the people who found this whole "but when do I pee" issue absolutely ridiculous, but then I really needed to pee like 15 minutes into the movie. I did manage to hold it though (for three effing hours??) and by the end I felt like I had a giant block where my bladder used to be
Here’s my question how to pee in a superhero suits
An average human can hold their pee for 7 hours before rupturing your bladder.
Are they taking the piss?
Whoever made that thumbnail needs to be fired LMAO
i just did
Use catheter