While the tutorial system in Days Gone seems to work fine sometimes, there are moments where it doesn’t quite give you crucial hints until much later in the …
While the tutorial system in Days Gone seems to work fine sometimes, there are moments where it doesn’t quite give you crucial hints until much later in the …
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I won't trust a 6. 5 review from a company that gave 9.5 to Fortnite. Clearly this type of game is not your style, so you unfairly based it on that. As it happens, I'm glad I didn't listen as it's absolutely fantastic
The game tells you numbers four and six.
Days Flop haha!
Why make all these videos about Days Gone if you gave it a 6,5 in your review saying that it was mediocre at best?
I've played the game for about 6 hours and I can say this: the game tells you ALL of the things on the list…
These were great pointers, thanks for this. I'm so excited!!!!.. 2 hrs LEFT!!!
game's protagonist is a gruff white male with a gruff white male name
Trash be Gone
Oh sony sheep got really hurt by their shitty game flopping
Youtube needs to inable rating system on channels so i can give IGN a 1/10
13 things days gone doesn't tell you… Its PlayStation exclusive and its trash
Scores are pretty low for a game that’s been in development for a long time and honestly looks amazing fun.. guess I’ll see for myself tomorrow what’s this all about
Ign really trying hard
is true game has no HUD custom….?
Shocked a Zombie game in 2019 is mediocre. SHOCKED.
Another thing Days Gone doesnt tell you….that it is bad!
You guys give it a 6.5 and call it a bland mess and yet you guys still make videos about it? Yeah……ign is trash.
IGN: "Yeah, thats a 6.5 out of 10"
Also IGN: "13 ThIngS DaYs GonE DoEsn'T TeLl YoU"
Quit worrying about a number. The scores are low because of technical issues and a off pace story of that doesn't bug you then but it . If it bugs you wait a few months. Stop looking in comments to either justify a purchase or non purchase. Make up your own mind.
Legends say its Impossible to get a heart from ign believe me
I got the game early today so cool can’t wait to play
Wtf, why this game is getting those awful reviews? Never expected this from Sony after so many epic games they have released it lately
6.5 ? great….. I get it tomorrow
Ign days are about to be gone?
13 Things IGN Doesn't Tell You
Boi wut
6.5 lol wtf is wrong with you?! ???
My days are gone
First comment like pls sup me??