World War Z (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is a third person co-op action game with lots of zombies. What’s the deal? Let’s talk. Subscribe for more: …
World War Z (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is a third person co-op action game with lots of zombies. What’s the deal? Let’s talk. Subscribe for more: …
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Just got the game and it’s really fun especially the Russia maps
For me change thumbnail to before you download
Definitely buying after seeing this video
Are you having any problems with gun progression and xp, because when I use the AK I get no xp for it and it all goes to the sporting carbine
I’m playing on pc
uses controller
" come on meat sex "
Glad to see the hate this game had is being replaced with good ol' fans from l4d
Awesome video! I was on thr fence about this, but pretty sure it is on my buy list now.
I wanna refund now…
Will the game have open world
3rd person only really big no from me
I feel like this game will be on xbox gamepass soon
the fact thats my computer doesn’t lag while there are at least a hundred zombies rushing towards me, its safe to say this is worth buying.
the only thing i haven a problem with this game is the toxic dudes there not my faviroute
As a huge The Division and mostly 3rd person shooters fan this looks acutally really good. Buying it right now!
Is the multiplayer matchmaking? Because if I have to download some shit I've never used and therefore never had friends on I'mma need matchmaking
Days Gone it is
Just bought it today.. downloading it now. Looking forward to this.
I guess you guys arent doing Mk11 … ?
the moscow missions are my favorite
How much is it and would you say its worth it. I play on ps4
play offline !!!!!!!!!! That really nice for some lonely wolf like me too I related
Gameranx…I've been watching your videos for quite a while now and on some on your vids i honestly feel you are being paid to give your reviews by the sponsors/ creators of certain games both good reviews and bad ones. That's my opinion
Damn. As a huge LFD fan I got really excited. Then I saw that it's exclusive to Epic Games.. bummer.
make it so the AI heals themselves instead of me taking the time to do so lol
Hey, Ive got some quality glitches, is there an upcoming glitch compilation video? A link to submit?
So who wants to team up in this badboi?
This game looks so trash
Reminds me of PD2
Add me on xbox if you want to play, send me a message i play on insane. Z34John
got it for free lol
The sad thing about this game, is that it reminds us of a much better game…
what is the replayability of this game?
Real question tho
World war z
Days Gone ?
This gameplay looks awful
Is it supposed to be a blatent copy of division
Is it spleet screen on xbox one?
oh boi if this game can take mods you'll see what people bring to it
Wow the graphics are amazing, throw a grenade at a small horde big explosion, throw one at a big horde small explosion
epic game store only?
no thanks
The hebrew translation of this game makes me cringe so hard, Most of it is mirror text, some is actual jibbrish…or badly translated. If you at least do a map that consists of Jerusalem and especially Israel…At least hire a good translator…Heck, some of the community would actually do it for free!
Looks like fun.. but are you playing on a SNES?
Man this game does not look good in todays standard ! Looks like a smart-phone Indy-game.
they need to make that we can use every characters in every levels.. i kow it doesnt make that much sense but it would make it that we have even more fun in it. i mean you want to play a character but people rushes to lock on them and makes it a little less fun for that part sure the dialogs wouldnt match the played character but who cares? we whant fun in this!! beside that its an amazing game and having a great time playing it with my friends!!
The game doesn't let me pause even when I put it in offline
This look hella boring jesus
This game is fucking fun love it!!!
Be better if it was open world
If they continuously update the game with more content it will thrive for years to come. Lets hope they do that and not just throw in some paid DLC here and there.