Baltimore, MD- Andy Hoffman returns to tell us what we need to know about the upcoming MimbleWimbleCoin crypto-dividend. We will also discuss his views on altcoins and the community that has built up around him. Will his style of marketing be something that other altcoins emulate? His thoughts on Bitcoin, the BSV situation, and much more!
MWC twitter- https://twitter.com/M_W_Coin
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Adam Meister is available for an hour long Bitcoin/cryptocurrency consultation where he can walk you through the Trezor installation process and help you move your Bitcoins to the Trezor. He will answer all your questions in that hour. Trezor is just one Bitcoin topic that Adam can help you with, you can ask his advice on anything cryptocurrency related. From marketing and promotion to Altcoins to storage and the buy and hold philosophy. Adam’s hourly rate is 0.1 Bitcoin. Feel free to email: Adam AT TrezorHelp DOT com to set up a Skype/phone consultation or to arrange an in person appearance or speaking engagement. Adam is available to speak at conferences around the world.
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Whats the issue with signing with nano ledger?
No apology for acting like a douche the last time he was on and disgraced the show? For the sake of Adam I will neither dislike nor like. Funny he sold all his bitcoin.
Ugh. Only chance dude. If I hear you mention Andy Hoffman again I'm unsubscribing
As far as I can tell, you can still use your Ledger wallet to sign messages, if you connect it to the Electrum software wallet. Just to prevent people from moving their coins around, which always bears risks, just so they can be part of airdrops.
Summation: Supporting a movement is different from supporting projects. The last is what Hofman does.
Why is Andy so worried about the bitcoin price in fiat!? That triggered him to give up hope!? 1 bitcoin = 1 bitcoin. Come on Andy. Strong hand! I think it’s more of a control or influence thing with Andy. He wants to be an influencer and brohdium, mwc gives him a chance to get in early. It’s an unfortunate trait of human psychology, control. It’s his life, personal responsibility. I’m sticking with btc, time will tell.
Andy sold all his BTC months ago. Now he says he's 'all in' in BTR. And he says he's honest……. REALLY andy??? so you sold all your BTC and bought BTR with the proceeds???? And you think you have to come and give us advise??? Sounds like a scam to may of us Andy..
Waytogo Andy!! B blessed y'all.
We do NOT follow the Gregorian or Jewish Calender but the Biblical one. There is NO Christmas, Easter or Man-declared New Year/Sunday sabbath in it!
Scripture indicates the ONE NEW MAN in Y'shua is who we should become and emulate as per Paul. Y'shua was the first fruit of this ONE NEW MAN. Ponder upon that as you follow the Biblical feasts for 2019
YEAR 5779 5 April 2019 Nisan 1 BIBLICAL NEW YEAR
1. Passover APRIL 19 2019
2. The Festival of Unleavened Bread April 20-26 2019
3. Pentecost JUNE 9 2019
4. The Feast of Trumpets Sept 30 2019
5. The Day of Atonement OCT 9 2019
6. The Festival of Tabernacles OCT 14-20 2019
7. The Eighth and Final Day Oct 21 2019
XMR is king. Miblewimple will be crush
I got to ask ? what you think of ?BitGrin
Pretty near spanking brand new release just a few months ago. Loved the show. I would ask both of you. MW Grin and Beam ?? but this project has me very excited ???At first I was ?while doing my research on this project as I am currently ?looking to accumulate more XRC. Priorities, but I had to dip my toes in to test the water. It feels good, real promising in my ??.
will tell
This guest genuinely lowers the value of the btc Meister brand. The likes/dislikes ratio of this show compared to the other Meister shows is quite stark.
Professional scammer on the show!
Andy would shill anything if somepays him enough. He said before he sold his BTC when it went below 6k & now hes thinks brhodium & wimble coin are amazing.
I knew this dude was batshit crazy and clueless even back when he was 100% in BTC
i always thought when coin market cap stopped reporting the volume and price of the South Korean Market – the Bots were arbitraging the two makets – Profiting from the kimchi premium – when that evaperated it tthrew the market in tail spin
Andy sold all his Bitcoin, au & ag and is "all in" on Brhodium? Poor fella, he likes this particular scheisse coin because Rhodium is a rare silvery metal and he associates it with this coin? lol
Greetings from New Zealand "Strong Hand"
Unsubscribed for this shitshow!
I totally agree with Andy's stance on altcoins. I just never saw Brhodium as having a real use case. Its just less divisible rather than more scarce. Regardless, I did see the speculative potential of Brhodium and took my profit. I've been critical of him in the past but really come to appreciate his perspective even if I find fault with it. Even apologized directly to him for my criticism.
All that being said, MWC has an interesting hedge aspect to it. It may be the first airdrop/ fork I keep 10% of. It really has everything Brhodium had plus at least a shot at some sort of use case. Brhodium was the warm up. Let's watch Andy knock MWC out of the park.
Wow, Adam, please ammend what Andy said…
Andy's "easy way" to concentrate all your Bitcoin to one address to then sign just that one with a Trezor destroyes all your privacy!
Guys don't be lazy, sign each address
Huge news re Tunisia and Afghanistan Bitcoin Bonds. NewsBTC has article. Reminds me of when Venezuelan State sanctioned official remittances for Bitcoin and Łitecoin a few weeks ago!
Are we heading back to the $100 billion BTC market cap Hoffman Line?
This is off topic but can you address whether ETH will bee needed in your wallet to be used as gas in order to run the HEX claiming tool. I can't find any info on it and Richard honestly doesn't have time to address a nobody like me. But if I have this question, I'm sure others do too.
Good show, just caught it at 1.5x as no notification again!!!!!
A good product will market itself. Bitcoin does that just fine!
Cheers Adam! ?
The takeaway for everyone, "Do it with class".
Omg this guy went over from a Bitcoiner to a " wanna pump a low cap scam coin and get rich" guy.
Is the MWC airdrop 10:1 like bitcoin rhodium?
Andy Hoffman LOL how much did he pay you to be on your show ?? Dont tell me you take this jokester seriously !!
Bitcoin will absorb 80-95% of "crypto" value over time as it is monetized. Money is a network like the internet. Andy is shortsighted trying to get cute, will get REKT. Andy you have NO BITCOIN? Stay with the Schelling point.
Very few maximalists are against other coins EXISTING. Most are against fraud and money printing and scams. So that's our beef with 95% of coins. The other 5% dont have a chance against the network effects. So were trying to save people from getting hurt. Don't mischaracterize as tribalism.
MWC registration sounds very complicated. Do u have to give any identifying info/email address? Does founder or team or marketers get some of the coins? Full disclosure.
B Rhodium is a direct competitor to bitcoin as a store of value. Epic fail.
Hey Adam – All lottery Enthusiasts
All these hit Yesterday 3022 , 2232 , 032 , 231 , 2013 , 223 , 222 , 333 ,
Equals – ( 1322 , 3233 , 2323 )
Box all on 5dimes c o m