Get a first look at DC Universe’s Swamp Thing in all his slimy, vine-covered glory. Swamp Thing debuts May 31 on the DC Universe streaming service in the US.
Get a first look at DC Universe’s Swamp Thing in all his slimy, vine-covered glory. Swamp Thing debuts May 31 on the DC Universe streaming service in the US.
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Why did you guys at IGN make a video saying this series was canceled at the same time the teaser tralier released?!
He just wants love 🙁
Drain the SWAMP!
Ocean man
Wb studios: swamp thing is gonna be the next big thing
Who else only knows Swamp Thing from injustice 2???♂️
Swamp thing ??
Why lol
When i think of new DC tv shows. Swamp Thing is not the first character that comes to my mind.
He is not even the top 10.
Idk why this is a…….. Thing
But why?
1/2 hours later: "Swamp Thing shut down"
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
wait !
this guy is superhero?
"Do not bring your evil here"
This is Donald Duck on herbal steroids 😀
I thought that this was a commercial for the Democrats 2020
Why does it look like Swampy has no mouth whatsoever?
Again there is a thing in marvel but not swamp ?
Swaaaaaamp thing practical effects babyyyyyyyyyyyy
I think he has a beard ?
Idk how much they can say about a thing in a swamp
Swamp Thing is my number one comic, and I'm happily surprised by this teaser.
We love to see Blue Beetle next
where are the fairy-tail creatures?????
The protector of Green in coming. ?
man thing swamp thing
well red bull gives wings
Is that all?
ok dc you have my attention
Hell yeah finally