Get a nice long look at the spin-off featuring Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba and more. Subscribe to IGN for more!
Get a nice long look at the spin-off featuring Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba and more. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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I'm seeing things I've always imagined
I watch whole movie
So if Hoobs can hold down a heli with his hands, is he as strong as Captain America in this movies?
This looks so ridiculous im gonna have a blast.
Pratically I saw full movie in this trailer hehe. I dont need to go to cinema.
This is the most over the top, male macho action packed trailer that I've seen in my life and I'm living for it ??
The new Spy Hunter movie looks great.
This is gonna be epic
Is this fast and the furious or the avangers ? Smfh ?????
Black Adam v Black Superman?!! I'M IN
This virus can destroy half of the population
Thanos: am I a joke to you?
Trailer on steroids just like Dwayne Johnson
have you ever noticed that fast & furious is a series about bald guys?
2:20 on the left IS THAT ROMAN REIGNS
Steve rogers have a cameo at the end of the trailer, nice work guys
Show the entire movie but ok
Tired of the rock ffs
Wow this movie was really action packed. I enjoyed it for what it was. Moving on.
Idris Elba is basically non compelling thanos in this then
Is it me all everyone are trying to wipe out of the population ? thanos snap, now him virus
If are being chased or chasing international criminals,fast and furious gang be like we need cars,?????
What even is this franchise anymore
Did I just watched the whole movie?
Idris Elba: I’m Black Superman
The Rock: And I’m Black Adam.
This is one of those rare times where the trailer spoils damn near the whole movie. But it’s looks so absurdly fun that I’m still excited to see it
Well atleast there not calling Fast and Furious anymore. Best choice I’ve seen in this movie yet.
this looks awesome
Dude it you a bunch of Samoan run toward you run the other way 1 Samoan it like 10 guys in one
Is this the new XXX?
It even acting like Hobbs just the Rock Wwe
why the hell everyone wants to wipe half of the population ?
My mind still can't comprehend all that
Eww Roman reigns
Roman Reigns in his yard now that's something
yup, that's the whole plot sums up in a single trailer
If you guys wanna watch the movie again, just hit replay.
When he said IAM black Superman
They should have said ''and we r cape baldy " if u know what I mean?
Both Dwayne And Jason weren’t main characters in the first movie. And now they have their own movie. That’s weird.
Buckle up…
Roman ?
I’ve never seen a movie so extra in my life
Did I just watch the whole movie for free, condensed to 4 mins? Thanks!