Check out the FPV Video of Tornado X-Blades Banni UK as he races his drone through the #WorldDronePrix Track. Did you see the Dutch Drone Race Team’s drone zoom across? Tune into our live feed tomorrow to catch all this action and much more.
flight of the bumble bees
omg that loks like so much fun!
What happened at about 4:52? is that some kind of joker lap-type thing?
Christ that looks like the game wipeout!
I think @quadmovr could overlapping them all without fpv goggles XD
That last pack was insane! Until it crashed! Thanks for sharing, fantastic edge of your seat race flying.
Holy shit, the future has arrived!!!
You Guys are 'UNREAL" the way you all "FLY"…Thank You 4 The Adventure & See Yah
my body tend to the direction of screen
Вот это у ребят вестибулярный аппарат. Круто!!!
руки из жопы ^^
drone's name??
USE THIS–> https://twitter.com/f87deeec6c01cae25/status/722013666854465536?pidid=6d6ac4d2-ad8c-48fc-8572-f57b32b86911 IT IS THE WORKING Mortal Racing Hack TOOL THAT WORKS! ENJOY! Banni UK's FPV as he takes on Dutch Drone Race Team
why would anyone dislike this? I'm waiting for the race in the deathstar trench
Awesome video!
Nice flying banni uk!
Throne Legacy !!!
Of course this in Dubai… All the great stuff is not in America anymore
That last lap was awesome.. Full speed ahead, until the crash. Great flying!!
This so cool!! The quads , the track, the racing.. Some day maybe I'll get my chance. AWESOME!!!!
Drone > Bees
Add advertising billboards and trippy dance music and real WipeOut is here.
So did SQG stomp on the other video signals?
mad skills Luke! That last lap was balls to the wall! ??????
Banni was doing tricks during the final laps, of the championship race, with 250k on the line…insane skills and nerves of steel
Now THIS is podracing!
Is he racing? or is he just showing off how easily he can do a backflip while simultaneously beating the Dutch team?
barrel roll at 5:47 was sick!
holy smokes!~ it's like watching a video game!
It looks like rainbow road in Mario Kart
cool ….
Seems like his strategy was to fly safely behind so he wouldn't get crashed into in a pass attempt and then take the lead in the final lap