The upcoming single player Star Wars game from Respawn has a new poster with lots of tiny secrets. Subscribe to IGN for more!
The upcoming single player Star Wars game from Respawn has a new poster with lots of tiny secrets. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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ILUM perhaps
The ice planet is probably illum which would be cool as heck
It would be nice to see kinda of open world. Where you can explore. I have been waiting for a star wars single player game. Imagine skyrim but star wars
Planet Coldor
Its EA im super worried
Rolling the dice on this one….its being made by EA
could the planet be Rhen-Var? thats a rocky snow planet
I wouldn’t bother covering this game, EA will probably cancel it.
The text says Mega transactions CONFIRMED
I distrust EA, but I trust Respawn. Damn you games industry!!
can we please get someone to report on Star Wars that has a ue about it. Texts didn't burn and its Jedi not Jedis
Come on EA, for once don't disappoint the hell out of us.
Time to get back into Star Wars. Got to dust off a bunch of comics and books and finish S1 of Resistance.
Force powers will be a 9.99 micro transaction I’m sure
HYPORI! FINALLY! Oh I do so hope that’s what the massive crashed Clone Wars era ship means…
EA? Single player Star Wars? Recipe for cancellation
Please be awesome! Please be awesome! Please be awesome! ?
I’m super excited about this but I really hope it’s not a let down
Short and “sweet”?
so now EA is gonan make a single player star wars game? they couldnt let that uncharted game dev make the one she was already making?
is this game made by EA? if so why be excited? they pretty muhc said no one plays single player games anymore…
These are not the droids ur looking for….
You forgot #6: It’s made by EA
1313 ???
please let it be like kotor with the dilaogue choices that matter that impact light vs dark side
I'd almost bet anything that ship is how he survived order 66 maybe he was on the ship and the clones started to try and kill him so he crashed it and is stuck there for a couple years and the empire sends ties to fly by and scan the planet for lifeforms and they find him and land and that's how he gets off the planet
If done right….this could be the game of the decade….if not then joke of the decade.
The planet could possibly be Ilum, the snow planet where Jedi younglings go to collect their Kyber crystals for their lightsabers
Ice planet how about Norway. Oh, right that hoth.
Magical Frog ?. WHAT?!?
If all this is true then this game better be and hopefully a create your own character rpg. Just because I like and we deserve a star wars single player like that to emerse ourselves in a game some what like Skyrim or fallout new Vegas
Hope it’s open world
I shall call this droid companion “BOY!”
He just called yoda a magical frog, i think he just insulted the entire star wars community
I am a huge respawn fanboy so I was immediately exited for this game since the day it was announced
Whoa an EA Star Wars game, what could go wrong?
Too bad its…..
Re skin no man sky to star wars or star trek …. shut up take my money!!!!!
I thought they canceled the Star Wars game???
He? How do you know it is a "He"? Don't make Assumptions without knowing any Facts, it's rather Rude.
It could be the planet mygeeto
Dont get your hopes up. Respawn is probably having a meeting with EA discussing how they can make the game bad.
They should put Ice Knack on that planet
sigh You want to get hyped, but…
Who's hyped more for Fallen Order than EP9