Jamie Carragher uses virtual reality to analyse Mo Salah's goal against Southampton | MNF Sky Sports Football — April 12, 2019 26 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest SUBSCRIBE ▻ http://bit.ly/SSFootballSub Jamie Carragher used virtual reality on Monday Night Football to analyse the goal which ended Mo Salah’s drought … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
the field looks way to small, way too disproportionate. Looks like there are 10 steps from the center to the goal.
Great new VR tool however the graphics looks like from back in the '80. Surely, they need to do better than that!
Carra missed the chance for couple of good headshots there!
Plenty of players score more delicious goals. His was average.
This looks like FIFA 98. Improve that vr.
Piss off Sky Sports.
Is this a Daft Punk video lol
Well that was pointless
the field looks way to small, way too disproportionate. Looks like there are 10 steps from the center to the goal.
English pundits they have third eye for football
Would rather see hazards goal tbh much better
Why the reupload half a week later?
Haha, great techological innocation
Mo Salah is a one season wonder.
-Carragher the studio is over let's go
-could we just stay to analyze Robertson goal please
Bertrand and redmond twins on VR
So if sky sports can do this why can't we have fifa vr?
Great new VR tool however the graphics looks like from back in the '80. Surely, they need to do better than that!
Carragher going use this to lift the PL trophy
Do this for Hazard's 1st goal against Westham…..would love to see the player's perspective
The 90's: ''VR TROOPERS''
2019: Jamie ''VR TROOPER'' Carragher
Those kind of analysis are actually very interesting, i would like to see some more often.
0:05 how Robertson and Henderson miss Salah
I like how st marys has had a stadium expansion ?
Jammie carragher is a motherfucker
Liverpool will win the EPL and UCL trophy
I just started to think this VR is a meme