Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on Nintendo Switch. Also available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Borderlands: Game of the Year …
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on Nintendo Switch. Also available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Borderlands: Game of the Year …
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OBJECTION! I say it deserves at least a 9!
Y'all know that they are reviewing the remaster itself and not the games individually?
7.5? It's a joke?
Wait I'm confuse is this a remake or remastered?
how was this review even approved!?!?
Only a 7.5? At least give it a 7.8 so we can meme with it!
the cons this reviewer gives makes absolutely no sense. sure ill dock it points for HD graphics and for the chance that someone has played this before.
ya disponible! pero no en español xD
So sweet
This was pretty much what I was feeling when I saw the trailers. It's tight they made the games more widely available but I have zero incentive to replay them when I already have the DS versions.
i don't like more pazzle
reviews a remaster
blames it for not having any new content
slow claps……
Yea ill play this again. its been a while
Ace Attorney:
The game that was ported more than Skyrim
Tbf. The visuals is what's keeping me from buying this. I really love the pixelated sorite animations, this looks too stiff!
Ive got the trilogy on my 3ds so i think ill save my money for something else, Great series though!
I kinda agree with the dude. He's reviewing the collection, not the games themselves.
Is the fifth Nintendo DS case in the first Ace Attorney game included? The one that incorporated the touch screen and blowing fingerprint dust through the microphone?
How do you claim to give Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy a 7.5 from 10?
The game has been a jewel itself for it's mechanic gameplay and story, moreover that the graphics and content.
Also, comparing it to another remakes and remasters such as Resident Evil 2 or Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Ace Attorney Trilogy maintain faithful like them.
What can you say about that, IGN?!
Never really enjoyed these games. They just feel like a worse version of Danganronpa. Killer music though.
Glad ace attorney is coming to platforms other than nintendo or mobile
How fun are these really?
I've never played a Phoenix: Ace Attorney game at all so what out of /10 should I see it as? I'm guessing somewhere within half a point of 9/10. (8.5-9.5) I like puzzles and mysteries but I'm not crazy about weird anime character over-eccentricities so I guess I'll put it on the lower end of that margin.
IGN literally marks down the game for not having new content.
Even though the point is to re-release the games on more platforms with more high-quality sprites/environments
Phoenix Wright is the Dark souls of visual novels.
hmmm, some of the sequences shown in this review are blatant spoilers
Game reviewers need to just put the individual score in for each game when it’s a compilation, then give a separate section (not necessarily a score) of what the compilation adds to the experience.
Omfg I want this!!! How much is it on the eshop
Hold it! Why only a 7.5, IGN? Oh I know. Objection Because you can't rate a game fairly because you just want the money!
3 amazing games in one package should get at least the 8/10
Ive never played an ace attorney game so im excited
Capcom messed up the regional pricing on Steam BIG TIME
For $34.99 in India
* Steam's standard regional pricing = Rs. 759
* Direct conversion of $34.99 = Rs. 2426
* Ace Attorney Collection = Rs. 2499
There have been bad regional pricing on Indian Steam, but NO ONE PRICES GAME MORE THAN THE USD PRICE TAG!!!
And our currency (Indian Rupee) is 3rd lowest among all currencies supported by Steam. This price is not just unfair, it's IMPRACTICAL!
No disc for PS4? No buy.
Why didn't you explain how the new mechanic system works for clues you've already discovered?
Another white male remake 7.5.
Got this on 3DS for $15, what a value!
Objection 7.5/10 no way a masterpiece you killing that game
Why does the fact that people already played this game affect the score?! I think that if you give a 7.5 just because people already played it, you are not really reviewing the game. You are scoring the game as if we should buy it or not… Give a propper review score please.
I say it’s ok I was expecting a 8.5