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About the Author: IGN


  1. Love this game but I worry about difficulty, time and time again Jeff Ross talks about how they make it harder. Like I don't want from software difficulty please

  2. Your behind the scenes recording and you didn't bother bringing a lavaler mic or a handheld mic, not even a shotgun camera mounted mic you brought on board camera audio even a cheap recorder or a phone could do better

  3. Sony, Bend, nearly everyone knows this game doesn't have Sony exclusives games quality, most of the people who tried it 2 weeks ago said that the game felt like a Ubisoft game and has nothing really special to justify the purchase, I think Sony missed a new Syphon Filter game.

  4. Honestly the more and more I see this game the less I am exciting. Just looks like another zombie game and it's only single player. it's coming out right after MK11 and Cuphead on Switch so all my time will be on those games. So sad

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