My goodness, I'm not 12 anymore, you think they would make it for the real Final Fantasy fans……smh….??
How have i never heard of this game before…..
Bought this game on sale on he switch played a bit of it but I dunno not to keen on the story development so far it feels really slow an empty compared to other ff games
Where is the Maxima DLC review?
Lol all those positive sayings just for a 7/10
Playing it now, 7.5 out of 10
If you are looking for a decent turn based game look to Battle Chasers Nightwar. Nothing to see hear.
What about the story, a 50hr game has to have a story… Right…?
Not to disparage this young lady's opinion, but maybe assign IGN folks with some gaming stamina to review RPGs?
"I have played just about all of them", yeah, highly doubt it. You can't trust a review made by someone that says "cute" every two words. IGN again proving their reviewers are just incompetent.
So… Anybody else come here after that Switch announcement?
Wow, I actually had this game for a long time for PS4 when it came out and I never got around to play it. :'( Please tell me how to capture a monster cause I want to know. I just have the disc in my cd binder and no case.
Why does IGN hates jrpg's?
Len and Rin? Hmmmmmm They singing too?
IGN….too much world not enough fantasy.
This game looks SO cute! I am totally getting it! Also, that linear section must have been designed by the same people who made Final fantasy 13 1!
TO MUCH Chibi 7.0 – Ign
Dude I beat the true ending in 32 hours how did it take them so long to beat it
Why the hell did they made it so girly and childish…
This review nailed it in just about every aspect. Lots of great nostalgia and cute graphics, but after awhile it really becomes monotonous. And yeah, the dialog is a major cringefest.
7/10? The least this game should have is 8/10, and would be a few low yet.
its exactly like chaos ring if you played it before
This has some of the funniest dialogues in the entire FF series. I love its cuteness and comedy <3 I'd give this a score of 9/10.
What is it with u ign people it's a ff game of course it will be reptative same with ff explorers
I'm not a FF Fan but I would give it a 9 or even 10. It's a great game
"sighing of boredom throughout the 50 hour campaign" … What?
So this is basically what happens when FF with elements of Persona?
Couldn't they just have the monsters stack in front of you and not on your damn head?
Get on with the times, companies need to purchase the "7+ lootbox DLC" if they want better reviews.
i just cant play a game with graphics like these, makes me want to barf
30 hours and you petered out? Are you sure Final Fantasy is really your thing? Because most of them don't even really start hitting their stride before 30 hours in.
She say this game was meeeeh and boring when they gave Ow original game of the year?!! Original? This is a Pokemon like FF game with everything to love about FF games, Espers, the battle system, flipping amazing music, grid to make ur creature how u want and a world that is vast and big. Is she high?
My goodness, I'm not 12 anymore, you think they would make it for the real Final Fantasy fans……smh….??
How have i never heard of this game before…..
Bought this game on sale on he switch played a bit of it but I dunno not to keen on the story development so far it feels really slow an empty compared to other ff games
Where is the Maxima DLC review?
Lol all those positive sayings just for a 7/10
Playing it now, 7.5 out of 10
If you are looking for a decent turn based game look to Battle Chasers Nightwar. Nothing to see hear.
What about the story, a 50hr game has to have a story… Right…?
Not to disparage this young lady's opinion, but maybe assign IGN folks with some gaming stamina to review RPGs?
0:40 I don't believe you.
This reviewer is such a chick, I think she said "cute" like a hundred times XD
Ugh… the turn based battle grind is so repetitive… "Well yeah, it's final fantasy. This is why we play it!"
it deserves a better score… If you love pokemon you will surely love this one.
a game full of humor. 8.5/10
With the exploration. Did you see "open world" on the box, I fell it's unfair and bluntly incompetent to judge a game on merits it doesn't advertise.
Wanna see a magic trick?
Read more
She said she only made it 30 hours sooooo did she not finish it???
“Time to wake up” commits suicide
Is that Roxas and namine?
0:42 if you mean all the mobile games then yes
"I have played just about all of them", yeah, highly doubt it. You can't trust a review made by someone that says "cute" every two words. IGN again proving their reviewers are just incompetent.
So… Anybody else come here after that Switch announcement?
Wow, I actually had this game for a long time for PS4 when it came out and I never got around to play it. :'( Please tell me how to capture a monster cause I want to know. I just have the disc in my cd binder and no case.
Why does IGN hates jrpg's?
Len and Rin?
They singing too?
IGN….too much world not enough fantasy.
This game looks SO cute!
I am totally getting it!
Also, that linear section must have been designed by the same people who made Final fantasy 13 1!
TO MUCH Chibi 7.0 – Ign
Dude I beat the true ending in 32 hours how did it take them so long to beat it
Why the hell did they made it so girly and childish…
This review nailed it in just about every aspect. Lots of great nostalgia and cute graphics, but after awhile it really becomes monotonous. And yeah, the dialog is a major cringefest.
7/10? The least this game should have is 8/10, and would be a few low yet.
its exactly like chaos ring if you played it before
This has some of the funniest dialogues in the entire FF series. I love its cuteness and comedy <3
I'd give this a score of 9/10.
What is it with u ign people it's a ff game of course it will be reptative same with ff explorers
I'm not a FF Fan but I would give it a 9 or even 10. It's a great game
"sighing of boredom throughout the 50 hour campaign"
… What?
So this is basically what happens when FF with elements of Persona?
Couldn't they just have the monsters stack in front of you and not on your damn head?
Get on with the times, companies need to purchase the "7+ lootbox DLC" if they want better reviews.
i just cant play a game with graphics like these, makes me want to barf
30 hours and you petered out? Are you sure Final Fantasy is really your thing? Because most of them don't even really start hitting their stride before 30 hours in.
She say this game was meeeeh and boring when they gave Ow original game of the year?!! Original? This is a Pokemon like FF game with everything to love about FF games, Espers, the battle system, flipping amazing music, grid to make ur creature how u want and a world that is vast and big. Is she high?