From backyard hobby, to a worldwide phenomenon, Drone Racing has grown at an unbelievable pace over the last several years. One of the biggest driving forces behind that growth is MultiGP, the largest Drone Racing League in the world. With over 21,000 registered pilots, and more than 600 volunteer run race chapters around the globe, more Drone Racers fly with MultiGP than with all the other Drone Racing Leagues combined. MultiGP run an average of 150 race events every week. If you want to start Drone Racing, you want to get connected with MultiGP! Drone Racing is not as expensive as you might think, and it is fun for all ages. You can get started in Drone Racing for about the same cost as a video game system and a couple games
For more information about MultiGP, and to find your local MultiGP Race Chapter, go to www.mulitgp.com. Meet with your local race chapter, try on a pair of goggles, and see for yourself why Drone Racing is the fastest growing sport in the world!
Drone racing is where you race drones, obviously.
" more Drone Racers fly with MultiGP than with all the other Drone Racing Leagues combined." cough pun intended
Alex Dalton, wondering if you could buy me a pizza oven or we can just go in halves, I like your idea and it works, u bringing pizza and then I always come and we have a pizza oven and it can add heat out there….what you know about this….
Oh yes, now I won't fall out of the sky in an airplane and can just fling this everywhere….Im so excited for me, husband Joshy, and my baby Gwen at 8 years old…OK
Wait a second -I was just trying to ask that girl on a date!!
Im ready to fly.
We need more official european chapters and competitions like you do in USA
What simulator is that?
i came for the hot tattooed blond ….1 second… not worth it
Zero to 100mph in less than a second?
ayyyy its me!
Nice, get the videos coming. Got to get the build up so everyone is chomping at the bit for next season. Off season shouldn't be boring, we should all be running relaxed local races to build skills, speed and make it even more exciting next season!! I'm so ready to race we had our 2nd annual Halloween Bash this past Saturday.
2:40 “but it does discriminate by amount of VTX power!”
#pizzastyle after the race, pizza and freestyle, lol all are invited!!! start it #afterracefoodstyle
Super-misleading thumbnail.
Made it into one race this summer with Buffalo Multirotor. Had a blast! Woohooo!
Excellent. Yes im ready to fly.