The Dwarves reviewed by Leif Johnson on PC. Also available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Watch more IGN Game Reviews here!
The Dwarves reviewed by Leif Johnson on PC. Also available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Watch more IGN Game Reviews here!
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I actually like it.
I'm a dwarf but I know more than you
And I'm the key to a better life
From terror I could escape
But I need your helping hand
So far from home where I'm left alone
Did you hear my crying?
Got this through Humble Bundle and was wondering if everyone else did as well, because I am new and don't understand.
This review fustrates me.
gaping blackholes
To bad this game came out as tactical rpg i hate tactical games,and i really had big hopes for this game, guess i won't be playing it oh well…
" It's not as easy as Call of Duty" 6.2
My Uncle actually was the art director for this game
my only complaint was it was way too short but a vary solid game the it had a good camera control from my view.
The dwarves is the best
Welp, back to Dragon Age Origins we go again.
might pick this up since its on sale for 10$ on psn
"The difficult spikes make it more frustrating?" Git Gud then you nub!
Is there new game plus?
>Open video
>Woman starts speaking
>Close video
Just finished this game a couple of days ago. The story and Lore is awsome, but the camra sux. Loading times can be rediculous and the difficulty spike is rediculous to the point that playing it on the easiest setting can still be challenging. It is an OK game that should be played for the Lore, but frankly, everything is secondary after that. Wait till the prices fall more and then grab it. Worth a playthrough at least, but thats about it. Its an easy 1000 Achievement game as well if you are an achievement hunter. All in all, its an OK game.
such a shame cuz the books were not half bad
I don't care how good the story is , it is delivered in a terrible manner. Combat isn't that good and walking around is plain boring. There is no roleplaying but the game forces me to play through the lore. It is not fun, it is tedious.
I thought Leif was a male name
her points are all true. the game is "cute". but that is it unfortunately. as a fan of the source materia, i am sad to say this but gameplay needs a lot more polish. combat is stiff. it might look epic as 4 dwarves against 50+orcs but in truth, you are running around from one check point to another or get the objective kill while abandoning the orcs around you.
IGN doesn't like this game? Ok I'm buying it right away.
You can actually drag the map with your left mouse button. I can recommend the game it's good fun.
KingArt made the genius The Book of Unwritten Tales games.
They should finish that series instead…
Well thank you ign just saved me some money won't bother to purchase this.
I had to drop it into "windowed" mode or else it would crash my Windows 10 system to reboot. After figuring that out, I'm rather enjoying it. Having read the book, it's has nice nods to the story
(edit) You'll want use the space bar aggressively to assign attack moves. Straight real-time fighting is a recipe for failure.
Does it has an ending? Or can i continue playing like Diablo III?
I played the game and it's not worth bying.
NICE kickstarter IDEA, but bad work then.
The only race I'd play on the Alliance side… but that would never happen because: FOR THE HORDE!
Lord of the Rings the video game
Did I just hear her say "For more on fantasy role playing games"?! She didn't dare say "for more on Dwarves", eh!
Too many dwarves and not enough tossing. 6.2
No rings of power. No Peter Jackson. 6.2
This is nothing like Pillars of Eternity. 6.2
The Dwarves is… oh hey. Ale. 6.2
I don't trust IGN reviews.
6.2, too much stone
6.2 too many dwarves ign
Well that was below the belt
These comments…. this is the only ign review where people are actually taking what the reviewer has to say as fact, this is ign. This game really isn't that bad.
Could it have helped if IGN mentioned they are reviewing the beta of the game before scoring it?,hmmmm….IGN!
she's called lief…don't get an elf to review a game about dwarves!
The Witcher 3 will be 5 dollars less than this during the Christmas sale.
This is 10 hours long.
Mmmmm , which one, which one? . . lol
Blind Guardian soundtrack though
Is the 'fun factor' that small or did IGN provide The Dwarves short shrift with a 6.2? Either way the score is entirely too little to warrant a purchase. Next time perhaps the developer could set their bar a little higher — Elves?
Just saying, you can move the camera with the the mouse wheel button.
Lol 6.2
yay another 2 min review by IGN…and than they say " publishers dont want to give them early copies"
10 hour only wtf nvm not wasting money on this garbage
I think I'll like this…but gonna wait for controller support…(I play on PC but after using a controller I cant seem to go back to mouse and kb unless its a fast paced mobo, strat or fps game like dota 2 or doom)
Someone's obviously never played an old school PC RPG before.
We can play as multiple tobjorns
Why are Dwarves always Scottish?