Bitcoin awakens to a chaotic world following the 2008 financial crisis. With only a few words to his young child, Satoshi disappears, leaving Bitcoin with more questions than answers. Fortunately, a benevolent ice cream truck owner (Jones) takes Bitcoin under his wing in a search to find his father.
If they cleaned it up a bit this would be perfect for adult swim!
This is good shit! Please keep this up dawg~!
This will be a piece of history in a few decades
Yup I have chills to.
This was so good, I stopped game of thrones to see the whole thing
Awesome stuff. Keep em coming!
Love it, been waiting on a crypro cartoon
Wow , that was great , it must of cost you a fortune.
Wtf is this
The blonde guy looks like vitalik?
This is amazing I fucking love it
perfect timing to release this
Amazing…well done!
this is so good B)
motel 21
Along with the price of bitcoin I feel this videos views are going to rise as we reach our goals
MANNNNN!!!!! I love THIS!!!!!
This is amazing!! Please consider uploading to LBRY!! LBRY.com/YouTube or upload yourself: https://LBRY.com/get
This is great!
pamp it
Who is the black voice? He sounds like my cousin.
02:48 mark : "New Jersey !" "…United States, man.." " Earth.. mutha-fucka".. "Bruh..for real !? " LMAO !
Great work!
That final line was everything.
Best thing I've watched on YouTube in many moons.
I hope this becomes a long lasting series.
This is going to be HUGE. Good luck with your talent and project!
This is genius
This is gonna be epic in a couple of years !
This is outstanding! When Episode 2 will be out?
Netflix will pick this up. ?
Отличный мультик! Я люблю Bitcoin, его идею и смысл заложенный изначально, печально что люди забыли о нем для чего он создан! Надеюсь данный мультфильм послужит для популяризации Bitcoin и достучится до сознание людей с низким интеллектуальным уровнем сознания. Крипто братва всем здоровья и зеленого рынка!
All I have to say, is if this winds up being some backdoor Bcash bullshit….you will rue the day. If not, continue.
Haha, this was epic ??
Anyone else get the impression that Jones is going to wind up serving as an allegory for darkweb black markets?
where is your donation address sir
this is just fucking awesome!!!
"I have to leave you son. For your safety (tears up)"
I lol'd. Great show.
Love this. I recommend no cartoon penises
when it comes to Bitcoin mining Mr mike is doing a good work ,the profits keeps coming