Season 1 brought some balance changes and a completely brand new Legend so it’s time to re-rank all of the Legends in Apex Legends. Check out this video to …
Season 1 brought some balance changes and a completely brand new Legend so it’s time to re-rank all of the Legends in Apex Legends. Check out this video to …
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love bloodhound <3
1st mirage
2nd bloodhound
3rd lifeline
For me
I like when people sleep on Pathfinder. Then I never have to worry about people picking him
As soon as I saw pathfinder higher then bloodhound I knew this became void.
I’m on level 23 which legend should I take? Octane, Mirage or Caustic
Octane doesn't deal 10HP to himself! He deals 10% damage to himself
Caustic is better than Gibraltar, Bangalore, and mirage any day lol your tripping, anyone who says caustic is at the bottom doesn’t know what they are talking about, or they are just trash with him lol
People call me crazy for saying Bangalore is the best legend.
But isn't there supposed to be another legend before season 1 ends ?
Bangalore mains where Yall at!
My list currently
1) Lifeline-Fast heal
2) Octane-Faster faster faster
3) Wraith-Portals are fun
4) Bangalore-Poppin' the chimney
5) Bloodhound-Allfather give me strenght
6) Pathfinder-Linedancer
7) Caustic-why so toxic
8) Gibraltar-Dwayne Johnson with shields and some bombs
9) Mirage- he likes himself way to much
Lifeline is the strongest because of her faster healing, and mirage is the worst because his abilities has no use except for in very spesific situations. Gibraltar is not bad per say because his shield and ult is super strong but they are also very situational, his ult is easily avoided by being inside a building and his shield i find to be more helpfull for enemy teams honestly, gives enemies free reign to just push almost for free. And Octane is just pure fun, faster faster faster
Bangalore number 1 lmao she should be like 5 or 6 and mirage is way worse than caustic
Y’all be tripping with these rankings
I don’t tie myself to one legend
Keeps me on my toes
I think Gibraltar and bloodhound are both better than pathfinder, maybe even mirage is. Also, wraith is much better than bangalore, aswell as lifeline.
My list:
2) Wraith
3) Bangalore
4) Octane (havent played him yet)
5 ) Bloodhound
6) Gibraltar
7) Mirage and pathfinder are tied. Mirage has a high skill ceiling and you need to know how to use your clones to use him well. If his hitbox was smaller and his ult could be cancelled, he would be much better.
8) Caustic
I think Gibraltar and bloodhound are both better than pathfinder, maybe even mirage is
Hey I just made my first video and would really appreciate it if you could check it out
My top 3 are; Lifeline (main), Pathfinder and Bangalore/Caustic
Legit everyone mains wraith and bangalore..
Lifeline Wraith Bloodhound without a doubt
this background beat going hard
Lol he put a warning in the beginning but list is still clickbate
Caustic main
Wraith is probably the most OP. She definitely needs a nerf.
I much prefer Caustic to Mirage personally. Mirage's ultimate is easily the worst and though Caustic's L1 is very niche, it can be super useful, while Mirage's L1 is basically useless. Maybe if it had some kind of AI, or at least had a gun in his hand, it could be a bit better.
Gibral in my opinion is the worst i have won games with every legend more then Twice he is the only one i can’t win a game
Gibraltar is the best Change My Mind >:v
I disagree
Octane is better than Bangalore
Pathfinder is better then bloodhound?
Great videos keep up the grind! ??
Bloodhound at 6……… have you ever even played this game
Duuuuude your gameplay looks sickkkk
Lifeline player over here!!
I'm just happy that Pathfinder isn't st the bottom of the list like he is on everyone else's ?
All accurate except I think it’s Gibraltar that should be at the bottom
The more people that sleep on Octane the better. I always get to pick him ?